This highly recommended documentary explains the importance of dirt to our health and you can see it for free if you are in Auckland on April 28.
Please click on the word “Dirt” below to download a poster with all the details.
NB: If you are inspired by this movie, you may like to consider joining the Soil and Health Association, which is NZ’s oldest organics organisation and the publisher of the excellent magazine Organic NZ.
About the event organiser and how to find out about future events:
This movie evening is being organised by Paul Waddell from who is a regular contributor to The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine. It is well worth joining his email list for information about EMR as well as events.
The next movie that will screen in the regular evenings that Paul runs will be the hard-hitting new documentary Mobilize on cellular phones and the telecommunciations industry. (See: This will screen on May 26.
Ed note: If you enjoy the information presented in either of these films you may find the articles about many different aspects of health on to be of interest, and you may also enjoy The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine which regularly features articles about environmetal health, including pesticides and electromagnetic raaiation (EMR). This is available in print and PDF editions from our online shop at this link.