From 1987 until his unexpected death in July 2015, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez worked in private practice in New York with his colleague Dr. Linda Isaacs.

During that time, their practice became famous worldwide for the extraordinary success of the personalised nutrition and detoxification based therapeutic approach in treating people who had advanced cancer and other difficult to treat diseases. (For some examples of case histories of people who survived bad prognosis diseases using this type of treatment, please click HERE to be directed to the Case Reports page of the website of the Nicholas Gonzalez Foundation which has been set up to continue his work.)

At the time of his death, Dr. Gonzalez was working on a book of case histories.  The first volume of this book, Conquering Cancer is being published posthumously by his publisher New Spring Press and Volume One of the book has now been printed.

UPDATE: A new website has been launched to promote Conquering Cancer Volume One, which is now available (in print and Kindle editions.  Please click HERE for details.

All of New Spring Press’s books are a vital addition to any medical or other health practitioner’s professional library.

To sign up for the newsletter from the the Nicholas Gonzalez Foundation to learn about professional development opportunities or to make a donation  to support the work of the Foundation (which is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit foundation) please click HERE.


NB: The website of The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine includes a review of one of Dr. Gonzalez book One Man Alone, which you may read by clicking HERE and a review of one of his DVDs which you may read by clicking HERE.

Dr Gonzalez’s award-winning book What Went Wrong which describes how a clinical trial of his nutrition, enzyme and detoxification treatment for cancer was sabotaged, was reviewed in issue 11 The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine.  A free sample of articles from this issue may be downloaded via this link:  while this issue may be purchased in PDF form from this link or as a printed magazine from this link.

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