A beautiful short film about electrohypersensitivity (EHS)

At the link below you can see a mini documentary on electrohypersensitivity (also known as EHS, electrosensitivity or ES or electromagnetic hypersensivity (EMS).)  People with this condition develop a range of unpleasant symptoms (ranging from relatively mild to disabling) from exposure to electromagnetic radiation and electromagnetic fields produced by common devices such as cell phones, cell phone towers, Wi-Fi... Read More | Share it now!

 Vaccine Epidemic:  How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health and Our Children Edited by Louse Kuo Habakus, MA and Mary Holland, JD Skyhorse Publishing Copyright 2011 Center for Personal Rights Reviewed by Katherine Smith “I am here to tell you that I didn’t know the harm vaccines could do. I think many parents are like me – they don’t know... Read More | Share it now!

Vaccine Epidemic: How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health and Our Children

 Vaccine Epidemic:  How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health and Our Children Edited by Louse Kuo Habakus, MA and Mary Holland, JD Skyhorse Publishing Copyright 2011 Center for Personal Rights Reviewed by Katherine Smith “I am here to tell you that I didn’t know the harm vaccines could do. I think many parents are like me – they don’t know... Read More | Share it now!

Index of topics in issue 1-13

If you have read an article in a previous issue of The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine and want to re-read it but don’t remember which issue it was in, help is now at hand.  Please download the Word document at the link below and you will find a index of topics in issues 1 – 13. The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine index issue 1 – 13 inclusive NB:  If  the topic that interests you is not listed... Read More | Share it now!

Good News for the Alphabet Kids:  How to reverse learning and behavioural disorders without drugs (Expanded and updated third edition) by Michael Sichel DO, ND, PhD with Greta Sichel Paperback, 292 pages $A38 available from http://www.addkidsdrugfree.com/ ISBN 978 -980364118 Autism is still largely blamed on genetic rather than environmental causes.  It is true that some people with rare genetic conditions such... Read More | Share it now!

Book Review Good News for the Alphabet Kids

Good News for the Alphabet Kids:  How to reverse learning and behavioural disorders without drugs (Expanded and updated third edition) by Michael Sichel DO, ND, PhD with Greta Sichel Paperback, 292 pages $A38 available from http://www.addkidsdrugfree.com/ ISBN 978 -980364118 Autism is still largely blamed on genetic rather than environmental causes.  It is true that some people with rare genetic conditions such... Read More | Share it now!

Silenced Witnesses Vol. 2:  The Parents’ Story:  The Denial of Vaccine Damage by Government, Corporations and the Media Written by the Parents, Edited by Martin J. Walker 290 pages, paperback, with index Copyright Slingshot Publications www.slingshotpublications.com First published November 2009 ISBN: 978-0-9519646-6-8 12.95 (pounds)   Reviewed by Katherine Smith “On the 17th May 1993 we received a card... Read More | Share it now!

Silenced Witnesses Vol. 2: The Parents’ Story: The Denial of Vaccine Damage by Government, Corporations and the Media

Silenced Witnesses Vol. 2:  The Parents’ Story:  The Denial of Vaccine Damage by Government, Corporations and the Media Written by the Parents, Edited by Martin J. Walker 290 pages, paperback, with index Copyright Slingshot Publications www.slingshotpublications.com First published November 2009 ISBN: 978-0-9519646-6-8 12.95 (pounds)   Reviewed by Katherine Smith “On the 17th May 1993 we received a card... Read More | Share it now!

When Barbara Pheloung’s second child – a cherished little girl called Karen – was born, Barbara had no idea that her daughter would become the catalyst in her professional life for the last thirty years; helping the 15-20% of the population who have learning disabilities of one kind or another learn to overcome their difficulties and begin thrive and fulfill their potential. Back when their daughter was... Read More | Share it now!

Help Your Child To Learn (book) and Move to Learn (DVD)

When Barbara Pheloung’s second child – a cherished little girl called Karen – was born, Barbara had no idea that her daughter would become the catalyst in her professional life for the last thirty years; helping the 15-20% of the population who have learning disabilities of one kind or another learn to overcome their difficulties and begin thrive and fulfill their potential. Back when their daughter was... Read More | Share it now!