You can get a free ticket to an international online EMF Summit by signing up to the email list at


This will mean that you get periodic access to videos that include presentations by world experts in different aspect of electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic radiation and health.

For example:

* Epidemiologist Samuel Milham, PhD, expert on “dirty electricity” (and author of the landmark book on this subject.)

* Neuroscientist Prof. Olle Johansson, expert on electrohypersensitivity.

* Dr. Martha Herbert, MD, PhD, paediatric neurologist and expert on autism and EMR/EMF.  (Issue 14 of this Journal features a review of Dr. Herbert’s excellent book on autism The Autism Revolution.)

You can see all the speaker profiles at this link:


NB:  The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine regularly features articles on EMR/EMF and health.  You can find issues with different topics by searching through the index at this link

To purchase copies, please visit our store at this link

Thank you.