Update 26 June 2014: This fundraising appeal was successful…Thank you to everyone who contributed!

  For ongoing information about the Localising Food Project and/or to buy DVDs, please visit http://localisingfood.com/


Editor’s note: The Localising Food Project led by Robina McCurdy needs YOUR help so that it can reach its goal of completing a documentary on local food production.  There is a crowd funding appeal set  up on FundMe and $7,000 needs to be pledged by 11 pm June 7 . 

Please read the appeal below from Robina and contribute  at www.pledgeme.co.nz/projects/2054 if you can.  Many thanks.




Dear Friends & Colleagues




We at /Earthcare Education Aotearoa/ implore you to consider our crowdfunding campaign on ‘Pledge Me’ to help us finish producing our GROWING SCHOOLS Documentary. www.pledgeme.co.nz/projects/2054


Growing Schools‘ showcases empowered kiwi kids involved in transforming their school grounds into abundant food gardens. It explores the proven benefits of gardening and nature connection for children’s motivation,academic achievement, health and wellbeing.


This is how kids, parents, teachers and whole communities are making a big difference to turning around the grinding issues of diet related health and child poverty in our beautiful country where tragically 270,000 kiwi kids are deprived of basic daily nourishment and most are eating foods known to cause disease


Our PledgeMe campaign has raised $4500 – a fantastic effort!- but we have only 2 weeks to go (till 11.00pm, Saturday 7 JUNE) to raise another $2500 to reach our minimum needed TARGET of $7000 and if we don’t reach it we cant receive ANY of the pledged monies.

(PledgeMe requires stipulated targets must be reached or surpassed to receive any of the pledged money)


So Please click to view our campaign here – www.pledgeme.co.nz/projects/2054 – watch our inspiring Growing Schools 3 minute trailer, check out our sweet ‘thank you rewards’ and importantly make a pledge – whatever you can  to help get us over the finish line.


Every pledge, no matter how big or small, will collectively contribute towards the production of this positive solutions resource for distribution to schools, teachers, parents, and organisations throughout the country.


Please don’t wait until it’s too late – please act now with your pledge.

For just a few minutes and a few dollars, you can be part of the group that increases the security and resilience of our food in this nation.



With appreciation for your support


Robina McCurdy and the
Localising Food Project Team –
 a dynamic multimedia programme mobilising community food systems across Aotearoa/NZ

Institute of Earthcare Education Aotearoa