Ed note:  The following message comes from Dr. Patrick Gentempo, Jeff Hays and Dr. Beau Pierce who have teamed up to create a great documentary series on genetic engineering and our food supply.

This exiting FREE online event is begins on August 22 and runs until August 31. Please sign up for FREE access by clicking HERE.


It’s being called “The Biggest Environmental Disaster in the History of Mankind,” but chances are you haven’t heard about it.

That’s because companies like Monsanto are making billions of dollars on genetically modified foods and the toxic chemicals they are designed to be used with, and they’d rather you not know how this affects your health and the state of the environment.

Register now to watch

GMOs Revealed, a brand-new docu-series brought to you by an expert team of whistle-blowers determined to expose the facts about genetically modified food to as many people as possible.

This 9 part series is available FREE for a limited time to registered users, August 22nd through August 31st. Watch and share this eye-opening series and learn why it’s vital that we are aware of the real risks posed by the rise of GMOs.

It’s up to us to become educated about what GMOs are doing to our bodies and the environment.

Real change only happens when people like you and me join together to raise awareness and demand accountability.

Please put August 22nd through August 31st on your calendar, and join me in watching GMOs Revealed during this free screening event. We can’t afford to be uninformed on this important topic any longer.

Register Now for the 9 day Free Screening Event of GMOs Revealed.



About The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine:

The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine is a quarterly magazine that covers a wide range of topics of interest to people who are interested in enjoying good health, including treatment and prevention options for many different conditions, and information about nutrition, potentially harmful chemicals and unnecessary exposure to ionising and electromagnetic radiation.

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