Vaxxed:  From Cover-up to Catastrophe – the documentary that tells the story of how the US Centers for Disease Control covered up a vaccine-autism l8nk had its first screenings in Australia in 2016.

Now its first Australian screening for 2017 has been scheduled for Adelaide.

(To keep up with other Australian Vaxxed news, including other screenings, please click here to be directed to the correct page of the  website of the Austraian Vaccination-Skeptics Network.)

There is also a special Australia-NZ website and Facebook page for vaxxed which are here and


Details for the Adelaide screening are below:

February 20th: Adelaide, SATickets available now!

6pm – 9pm



About The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine

Ed note:  The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine features articles about various aspects of children’s health, including vaccination, as well as nutrition, protection from electromagnetic radiation (EMR) etc  If you are interested in children’s health you may enjoy some of the articles at our online archive at this link:

Our website includes a number of other articles about vaccination; you may find the articles at this archive to be of interest:.

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