Postal voting for local and/or district Councils and District Health Boards (DHBs) is now taking place in NZ.
In light of the government’s sneaky plan to try to instigate mandatory fluoridation (by removing responsibility for fluoridation from local councils – which have increasingly been rejecting fluoridation – to District Health Boards (DHBs)) Fluoride Free NZ is in the process of collating the results of questionnaire of candidates regarding their support (or non support) for water fluoridation.
As soon as the report is available, it will be shared through websites and social media to help people who wish to take the fluoride issue into account when making their vote.
To sign a petition against mandatory fluoridation here is the think
About The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine
NB: The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine has run feature articles on fluoride and health. Our online shop, where you can buy printed and PDF copies of our magazine is here.
You may also wish to read some of the articles in the Environmental Health section about fluoridation; other topics such as electromagnetic radiation and pesticides also feature in this section.)
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Thank you to ww, for the photo of the glasses of water