We have been receiving queries from subscribers about the whereabouts of their copy of issue 53…

Issue 53 of The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine was due out in September. However it went to press late. This means that the likely delivery times to subscribers have changed.

For NZ subscribers, copies of issue 53 will arrive in November. (UPDATE: NZ subscriber copies of issue 53 were posted on 15 November 2024.)

For Australian subscribers, copies of issue 53 have finally arrived at our mailing house in Australia,. Unfortunately while the consignment was supposed to arrive in time for the magazines to be posted to subscribe prior to Christmas, they arrived later than anticipated. Australian subscribers copies are now going to be mailed on 7 January 2025.

We apologise for the delay in the release of issue 53 and thank you for your patience.

Our next issue (#54) will be released in early 2025.

(A one year subscription to The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine covers four issues.)

Subscriptions, many back issues and PDFs of most back issues are available at our online shop:


  • * NB: This post originally stated that Australian subscribers copies would arrive in late October or early November and was subsequently revised for a late November delivery date and them revised again. We apologise to Australian subscribers for the further (unexpected delays) in the arrival of their copies of issue 53.