On June 21, 2015 Australians concerned about freedom of choice came together to express their opposition to the proposed “No Jab No Pay” policy* which could see Australian families in which children do not receive all the vaccinations currently on the national schedule (for babies and young children) lose up to $15,000 per child per year in lost childcare subsidies and a family tax credit.
You can see photos from a rally in Brisbane by accessing the document below.
NB: Australians who would like to stay up to date with vaccination policy may like to join the email list for any of these Australian-based websites: http://avn.org.au/, http://www.vaccinationawareness.com.au/ or http://vaccinationdecisions.net/
There is also a weebly which publicised the events on June 21 which will be used to publicise any future events: http://nojabnopaynoway.weebly.com/
The above site has useful resources such as template letters for elected representatives.
More information about the events of June 21 may be found at these links:
NB: Some of the details of this policy are outlined in the article “The War Against Vaccine Refusers” on page 20 of issue 17 of The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine.
This issue is now on sale in Australia or may be purchased online at this link:
www.naturalmedicine.net.nz/product/the-new-zealand-journal-of-natural-medicine-issue-17/ or in ebook (PDF version) at this link: https://naturalmedicine.net.nz/product/the-new-zealand-journal-of-natural-medicine-issue-17-ebook/
The first 25 pages of issue 17 may be downloaded for free from either one of these links: https://naturalmedicine.net.nz/news/link-to-free-peek-inside-pdf-of-the-first-20-pages-of-issue-17/ or www.naturalmedicine.net.nz/product/the-new-zealand-journal-of-natural-medicine-issue-17-ebook-free-sample/
NB: If you support freedom of choice regarding vaccination, you may enjoy the articles on vaccines that regularly feature in The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine, a quarterly distributed in NZ and Australia and also available in ebook (PDF) format from our online store.