Ed note:  While this post refers to an event that has now come and gone, further  pro-democracy events are planned by Kiwis Connect;  for details visit the site www.kiwisconnect.org.nz


Calling all concerned citizens!

On September 1st 2013 there will be nationwide rallies which will unite Kiwis who are concerned about the loss of democracy occurring in New Zealand.

Why is this relevant to GE food, food production in general and health care issues?

Increasing corporate influence is leading to an erosion of  democratic process and the imposition of laws, regulations and policies which undermine people’s health.  (One example, is the recent move by central government which appears to be aimed at preventing local councils from creating or maintaining GE-Free zones.  See:  http://press.gefree.org.nz/press/20130627.htm.)

The Transpacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) similarly has the potential to be an international agreement which undermines NZ’s national sovereignty.  (See:  http://www.itsourfuture.org.nz/)

The new organisation KiwisConnect  http://kiwisconnect.org.nz/ aims to educate people about how the erosion of democracy could impact on their future and to this end is organising rallies/marches to build public awareneKiwiconnectdemoimagess of these issues.

Details for these events are below:

Auckland March and Rally Sept 1st
Gather at Britomart at 2pm for a march at 2.30.
Walk to Albert Park via Wellesley St and Princes St.
Gather at the band rotunda in Albert Park for speeches and music.


Here are the Facebook pages (as of August 18th.)
Main page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/359292997530222/373847699408085/?notif_t=like

Whangarei: https://www.facebook.com/events/278490135627046/

Auckland: https://www.facebook.com/events/472651306158964/

Palmerston Nth: https://www.facebook.com/events/640449935965749/

Wellington: https://www.facebook.com/events/232579356894620/?notif_t=plan_user_invited