Website editor’s note:  The information below comes from a recent newsletter from Fluoride Free NZ.

(If you need some background information on this issue you may want to read this link

Words Minus Action = Zero

If you are a regular reader of these newsletters you will know that Peter Dunne, Associate Minister of Health (United Future) has introduced a Bill to Parliament to shift responsibility for fluoridation from the local councils to the DHBs. This is really a backdoor tactic to introduce nationwide mandatory fluoridation. If this was to go through we would be one of only three countries in the world with such draconian legislation joining Singapore and Ireland. Our Fluoride Free NZ Legislation page contains all the relevant information such as the Bill itself.

But we can turn this around. This gives us all a chance to have our voices be heard. Feedback needs to be in by the 2nd of February.

The Government is now accepting feedback to the Health Select Committee.Everyone is entitled to send feedback and everyone can opt to speak to the Select Committee if they choose. Individuals get 10 minutes and representatives 15 minutes.
PLEASE – send your feedback to the Select Committee and tell all your friends, family and colleagues. Please also contact your local health professionals and talk to them about it.

It’s time for New Zealanders to stand up and say “No”. No point in complaining later. The time is now.

The Health Select Committee is accepting feedback until the 2nd of February. You can attach your submission to the Online Form or just write a few sentences/paragraphs in the box provided.


About The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine

NB: The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine has run feature articles on fluoride and health. Our online shop, where you can buy printed and PDF copies of our magazine is here.

You may also wish to read some of the articles in the Environmental Health section about fluoridation; other topics such as electromagnetic radiation and pesticides also feature in this section.)

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