If you have read an article in a previous issue of The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine and want to re-read it but don’t remember which issue it was in, help is now at hand.  Please download the Word document at the link below and you will find a index of topics in issues 1 – 13.

The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine index issue 1 – 13 inclusive

NB:  If  the topic that interests you is not listed in the index, you can use “apple-F” if you are on a Mac or “control-F” if you are on a PC to type in words of interest.

If you find a topic of interest  that is in an issue of the Journal that you do not own you can purchase the issue  from our online store at this link: https://naturalmedicine.net.nz/store/. The store also features free “peek inside” PDFs  for each issue which allow you to read the first 20 pages of the Journal for free.

If you do not have a credit card or Paypal account there are other purchasing options at this link https://naturalmedicine.net.nz/subscribe/