The NZ Ministry of Health put out an update on the Natural Health Products bill in September that may be read at this link:

The Natural Health Products bill is opposed by numerous New Zealanders as well as key organisations that are active in the health freedom sphere, including Health Freedom NZ Trust, the NZ Health Trust, The NZ Wellness Association and the Natural Health Alliance.

In response to the Ministry of Health’s latest update, Dr. Guy Hatchard, has sent the following open letter to Members of Parliament.



To learn more about health freedom issues in NZ, there are articles about the Natural Health Products bill and other freedom of choice issues at this link:

NB:  Health Freedom NZ has asked its supporters to write to MPs about this issue and there is information below to help you do this.

Have you written to government MPs on the health freedom issue?


About The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine

NB: The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine often runs articles on health freedom related topics. Our online shop, where you can buy printed and PDF copies of our magazine is here.

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Thank you to Teddybear Picnic at for the use of the image of the dried herbs used as a featured image for this post.