HERBAL LTD – Educational Division

Herbal Education Resources Centre

PO Box 6041, Tauranga 3146, New Zealand

Phone: + 64 7 570 0560 / Fax: + 64 7 570 0360

Web: www.herbaleducation.co.nz

Traditional Herbal Medicine Courses

Authored and Tutored by Malcolm K. Harker M.H.D.

Course one introduces the interesting world of traditional herbalism to beginners. Course two offers professional herbalism, enabling one to practice herbal healing at a higher level.

It is highly preferable that students wishing to do Course #2 for the Senior Traditional Herbal Medicine Diploma, acquire the Primary Traditional Herbalism Certificate first.

Course #1: Primary Traditional Herbalism Certificate

The Primary Traditional Herbalism Course is indispensable as an initiation into Herbal Medicine. Without the type of basic knowledge as contained in this course, it would be difficult to progress and evolve in the art of customary herbal medicine. This is a profound thesis rich in archaic and present day traditional herbal knowledge not found in any other itinerary of similar instruction today in New Zealand. The course covers over 130 herbs, detailing historical, traditional and cultural use of healing plants, as well as teaching the student all about medicinal herbs locatable in this part of the world, and how you can use them at home to help yourself, family and friends. This course is in fact a survival kit. Course study time up to four months. Successful completion will earn the Herbal Consultant Certificate (H.C. Cert.).

The Primary Traditional Herbalism Course takes the student to the level whereby they are ready to study the Senior Traditional Herbalism course, which is the level best suited to serious clinical practice.


Course #2: Senior Traditional Herbalism Diploma

An advancement on Course #1, within which the student learns esoteric and special information about Traditional Herbal medicine, privy only to those people with a particular interest. This is the level of Herbalism that gives you the key to opening your own Herbal Healing clinic, and even, possibly, getting your advanced products onto Health store and Pharmacy shelves. Course study time up to twelve months.  Successful completion will earn the Senior Herbalist Diploma (S.H.D.). This course is the predecessor for Course #3.

Please note that the prices quoted in the current brochure are introductory prices only, and will be reviewed in the near future.

For Course enrolment, registration or information enquiries, please contact:

Herbal Ltd, PO Box 6041, Tauranga 3146, New Zealand. Phone 07 570 0560.                    Web: www.herbaleducation.co.nz. Email: janice@healthyoptions.co.nz.