A new petition against the Natural Health Products bill (previously called the Natural Health and Supplementary Products bill) has now been set up. (The first petition, which is closed, may be seen HERE.)
The Natural Health Products bill is opposed by the two organisations that have provided leadership during previous health freedom crises in NZ, namely, The NZ Health Trust and Health Freedom NZ Trust.
The Natural Health Products bill is also opposed by a new organisation called the New Zealand Wellness Association which has a new website you can visit HERE and a very good Facebook page that you can visit HERE.
The new petition asks for MPs not to vote for the Natural Health Products bill when it comes to its third and final reading because the latest version of the bill did not reflect the concerns raised in the petition.
If you would like to sign the new petition, it is at the link below:
For more information about this bill, including information to help you write to MPs. please see this link
UPDATE JUNE 9 2016: Please note that as the bill has now gone into committee (which could mean that its third and final reading is very close, even short emails to MPs at this point would be very valuable.
An email could be as simple as asking the MP NOT to vote for the bill because it would reduce the choice in natural health products, push up prices and threaten the viability of small NZ businesses.
For more information about this bill, including information to help you write to MPs. please see this link
You may also want to read this link Twelve Reasons to Oppose the Natural Health Products Bill.
Thank you.
If you think the health freedom issue is important, please share this link, thank you.
Updates on the health freedom issue are also shared through our new Facebook page at the link below:
The featured image used with this post is courtesy of TeddyBear[Picnic] at FreeDigitalPhotos.net