Australian author Stephanie Messenger  has been researching the vaccination issue for 30 years since her healthy new baby’s health deterioration and eventual death after his scheduled vaccines.  Stephanie subsequently became the mother of three vaccine-free healthy children. Her website is

Stephanie is now touring New Zealand in association with WAVESnz (formerly known as  the Immunisation Awareness Society.)   Contact details for WAVESNz are below:

Email:                                  Answerphone: (cleared weekly) +64 9 303 0187

Website:                     Facebook:

Stephanie’s presentations (scroll down for dates, times and venues) cover the following questions:

Why are children getting sicker today?  Does it have anything to do with how many vaccines children receive?  Is Vaccination compulsory?  What about ‘herd immunity’?  Are vaccines really safe and effective?  Has the HPV vaccine been shown to cause infertility?  What is in a vaccine?  Why does the childhood cancer rate rise with the introduction of each vaccine?  Why does the childhood autism rate increase with the increase in vaccine rate?  Do vaccines damage the function of the immune system?  Do vaccines cause encephalitis?  What are the keys to raising a healthy child?


Area Date & Time Venue Bookings & further information
Tauranga 8th October  6.30 – 9.00pm Wesley Church                100 13th Ave Tracy (07) 5525420
Otaki 13th October  2.30 – 5.00pm Memorial Hall Kim



Wellington  Lower Hutt 16th October  Time TBA TBA Kim
Nelson 20th October  afternoon TBA Scott Dunlap-Mieras (03) 525-7888
Golden Bay 22nd October  evening TBA Scott Dunlap-Mieras (03) 525-7888
Invercargill 2nd November  afternoon TBA
Dunedin 3rd November  afternoon TBA
Christchurch 9th November  afternoon TBA Scott Dunlap-Mieras (03) 525-7888             or