Introducing Issue 23 of The New Zealand Journal of Natural Medicine












Cardiovascular disease – NZ’s biggest killer – is considered to be irreversible by conventional medicine.

But is it, really? Perhaps not.

In this issue we feature articles that cover prevention and treatment options for this condition, ranging from traditional herbal and nutritional remedies to (non-surgical) “cutting edge” approaches, such as EDTA chelation therapy.

It’s a treatment administered by weekly IV infusion that can obviate the need for potentially risky surgical procedures in many people who have clogged arteries.

Ozone treatments may also benefit people with cardiovascular disease  (We feature a contribution by Livian Delgado-Roche, PhD from Cuba where oxidative medicine has been incorporated into the national health system, as well as a report by New Zealander Dr. Wayne McCarthy on his recent journey to Russia for further training in the use of ozone in medicine.)

This issue also includes an article about the “Pauling Therapy” – a simple nutritional protocol for reversing cardiovascular disease, so named because the approach was invented by Dr. Linus Pauling (two-times winner of the Nobel Prize – once for chemistry and once for peace).

Diabetes is becoming an important cause of cardiovascular disease in NZ and other countries.  Sayer Ji, PhD’s article in this issue of The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine asserts that diabetes is an entirely preventable condition.

Cancer is another major cause of premature mortality in NZ, and this issue includes an essay by editor Katherine Smith inspired by the new book Conquering Cancer by the late, great Dr, Nicholas Gonzalez. This important book details case histories of people who used the Gonzalez Protocol to live for many years after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and metastatic breast cancer.

Springtime is a season during which many people suffer from allergies.  The connection between vaccination and allergies (including pollen allergies) is explored in a major article in this issue.

In the mental health section of this issue,  Dr. Kelly Brogan’s article “Can Wheat Make You Crazy?” features a case history in which wheat was the literal trigger for psychosis in a young woman whose previously undiagnosed coeliac disease manifested primarily as paranoia and delusions.

The reviews section of this issue includes a review of Cosmic Radiance Discovery  –  a beautiful book designed to help readers access their innate healing abilities.

Much more in this issue besides…

Issue 23 offers a lot of great reading either now, or over the holiday period.

Wishing you the best of health,

Katherine Smith and Jonathan Eisen, Editors

Note to subscribers and other readers

Copies of issue 23 will be on sale in most stores in NZ from November 3, and NZ subscriber copies are being posted on Monday October 31. (Due to the variability of the NZ postal system please allow two weeks for delivery.)

Copies of issue 23 will be available in Australia in late November; the Subscriber Updates section of this website and our Facebook page will be updated when the issue is available in Australia.)

If you are not already a subscriber but would like to subscribe the easiest way to do this is through our online shop HERE.  This issue will also be available through our online shop as a printed copy or PDF.

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PS:  The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine now has a Facebook page where we post information about various aspects of health including events that we think will be of interest to our readers. The link is

Subscriber Information

NZ subscribers should receive their copies of issue 23 by November 21 (people in main cities should receive their copies sooner) while Australian subscribers should receive their copies by mid-December. (The Subscriber Updates section of this website and our Facebook page will be updated when the issue is available in Australia and has been posted to Australian subscribers.)

If you are not already a subscriber but would like to subscribe the easiest way to do this is through our online shop HERE.

Connect with us on Facebook!

PS:  The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine now has a Facebook page where we post information about various aspects of health including events that we think will be of interest to our readers. The link is