Parents’ groups which advocate for free and informed choice concerning vaccination are alarmed at a proposed law change in the Australian state of Queensland that seeks to exclude unvaccinated children from childcare.
The Vaccination Answers Informed Sources (VAIS) group which maintains the website
has emailed its members on the issue, encouraging them to make a submission, as well as to email MPs.
Submissions are due by Monday July 15 2013.
The proposed amendment may be read at this link:
Submissions may be made either by email to:
or posted to:
The Research Director
Health and Community Services Committee
Parliament House
George Street
NB: Submissions are due by Monday July 15 2013.
It appears from the wording of the amendment that if the amendment is passed in its present form, children who are not vaccinated will only be able to attend childcare if their parents have obtained a medical exemption from vaccination. The amendment does not appear to make provision for religious of philosophical exemptions from vaccination.
An online petition has been set up (by Lisa Gibson) as another way in which people can voice their opposition to any policy that discriminates against unvaccinated children.