Website editor’s note:  The text below has been excerpted from comes from the latest email newsletter from the Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network (AVN), an organisation that supports parental choice regarding their children’s vaccinations and is raising funds for a legal challenge to the No Jab No Pay legislation.

More information about the AVN and its work may be found at its  website

Background reading on the No Jab No Pay legislation may be found HERE and HERE on the website of The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine.

Message from the AVN:

Our sponsorship efforts have surpassed $100,000!

We have quickly reached the almost unbelievable figure of $100,000 in our efforts to raise enough money to take on the Federal Government’s No Jab, No Pay legislation in the High Court of Australia.

We still have a long way to go however since, as you can see, we have been told that $500,000 will most likely be needed – perhaps more – before we can claim victory in this case.

The AVN would like to thank EVERYONE who has been sending in their pledges and joining and renewing as AVN members. Your support is gold!


No Jab No Pay Legal Challenge Update

Here are a few things we would like to tell you / ask you about in this particular update:

1- We have retained a firm of solicitors and are very close to compiling our entire legal team, in preparation for moving forward to the stage where we are ready to file papers in the High Court.

2- Several of our members and Facebook fans have put forward a few ideas to hopefully help raise more funds in a (relatively) painless way. Here are a few of those ideas – if you have others, send us a message at this link and we will share it:

(a) Set up an automatic payment from your bank account to the AVN’s No Jab No Pay sponsorship account (details below) of $5 / $10 per week or month. What one person said is that she would be willing to forego a takeaway coffee one morning a week and instead, have that money go towards protecting the rights of her children.

(b) Have a fundraising drive in your local area – a neighbourhood garage sale / cake stall / trivia night – these were just some of the ideas. All funds raised will be put towards sponsorship of our court case.

(c) For businesses and health practices (homeopaths, chiropractors, naturopaths, etc) – choose a day and advertise that a certain dollar amount ($5 for example) from each office visit or remedy sold that day will go towards the AVN. Other businesses can also donate a small percentage of their sales on one day they nominate. If enough businesses participate, we can raise a lot of funds without too much of an imposition on any one person or business.

There are more than 5,000 people reading this email; there are more than 11,000 people on the Fans of the AVN Facebook page (we realise there would be some overlap here). If every single person on this email list and on Facebook were to give just $10 a month, that would be $160,000 a month! Within 2 months, with the funds we have already collected, we would have come close to raising the $500,000 needed and nobody would be too stressed out about having to give large amounts to achieve this goal.

So how about it? Are you prepared to set up an automatic internet transfer (Westpac Bank, Account name AVN Community Solutions Cash Reserve, BSB 032591, Account number 188223) or, just visit our web page where you can provide sponsorship once a week/month (set up a reminder on your virtual or physical calendar so you won’t forget) using Paypal or your credit card.

3- Lastly, we urgently need you to share this information and this newsletter with as many people as you possibly can. The AVN had put up a sponsored advertisement on Facebook a couple of days ago and in just 24 hours, nearly 200 pages were sharing the post, leading to a really nice uptick in memberships and sponsorships. Facebook then sent a warning to the page about a security breach and used that as an excuse to take the entire ad down and remove it from every page that had shared it.

We have put the post back up on several pages, but need your help! Can you forward this email to everyone you know (either by email or using the sharing link below) and also post it to your social media pages – Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Flickr etc. At the top of this page is a web link that you can copy and paste into your social media outlets. Sharing this by whatever means you can will short-circuit the media censorship so rampant on this issue. Please help us as soon as you can!

Ed note: If you think that this article is important, please share it, thank you!

This article is also accessible through our Facebook page at this link:


Ed note:  The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine features article about various aspects of children’s health, including vaccination, as well as nutrition, protection from electromagnetic radiation (EMR) etc  If you are interested in children’s health you may enjoy some of the articles at our online archive at this link:

If you have a specific interest in the vaccination issue, you can click HERE to access our online archive of articles on vaccination.

Our online shop, where you can buy printed and PDF copies of our magazine (and also download free samples of articles from different issues) is here.
