A monumental and perhaps the most inclusive work ever on MCS [Multiple Chemical Sensitivity] and EHS [Electrohypersensitivity] –  Pelda B. Hyman, New York.

Update:  Issue 20 of The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine features a review of this excellent book written by editor Katherine Smith.

If you would like to download a free sample of issue 20, you can find one at this link, while copies of issue 20 in print format may be purchased here or as a PDF here.

In presenting a PS Coverhost of the non-communicable diseases that currently plague our society not simply as diseases of civilization but as by-products of that civilization’s reliance on chemo- and electrowizardry, Prostituting Science takes up where Silent Spring left off.

Prostituting Science documents authoritative evidence for such an aetiology for a number of contemporary disorders ranging from asthma, migraine, diabetes, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and cardiovascular disease; through ADHD, autism, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, depression and schizophrenia; to chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivity, and electromagnetic hypersensitivity.

In addition to mustering a formidable assemblage of scientific data, Mrs Crumpler documents her own family’s descent into disabling Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) and Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) as a consequence of heavy pesticide exposure. Here, too, is all the evidence you’ll ever need to convince the sceptics that these are bona fide physiological disorders, as well as an effective treatment protocol for recovery.

As the title denotes, Prostituting Science also explores the paradox whereby the more that is known of a physical aetiology for these disorders, the more widely accepted have become allegations of psychogenesis. Within this context are also recounted gross abuses of the civil and human rights that other citizens of a representative democracy tend to take for granted.

Diana Crumpler trained as a teacher-librarian and taught in Victorian schools until 1984, when she was forced to retire due to ill-health. A career change was prompted by the eventual diagnosis of MCS and EHS. For the past 25 years she has been one of Australia’s foremost writers on MCS and EHS and the effects of chemicals on both human and environmental health. Her first book, Chemical Crisis, won widespread acclaim in Australia, North America and Great Britain.


Ed note: The above text comes from the back cover of Prostituting Science, which is available from the author.  An order form may be downloaded below.

Prostituting Science order form on flyer

NB: If you are interested in the environment and health, you will no doubt find many of the articles in The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine to be of interest.


Issue19 (November 2015 – February 2016) features an interview with Professor Olle Johansson on electrohypersensitivity (EHS).  To purchase a copy or to download a free sample of an issue, please visit our online shop at this link: https://naturalmedicine.net.nz/shop/

If you would like to download a free sample of issue 20 (the issue that features a review of Prostituting Science – although the review is not part of the free sample), you can find one at this link, while copies of issue 20 in print format may be purchased here or as a PDF here.

