Website editor’s note: If you or someone you know are feeling stressed or overwhelmed or have been diagnosed as suffering from anxiety or depression, or some sort of addiction, the upcoming (from September 25 – October 2) FREE Mental Wellness Summit will provide new information and self-help tools.

It’s also relevant for people who are working at a management level in business (or are entrepreneurs or self employed) as some of the speakers address the challenges of helping create happy and productive workplaces and avoid burn out.

You can learn more about this Summit and sign up for FREE access by clicking HERE.

It is also possible to buy access to these video presentations to watch at a time of your own convenience, and if you would like to do this, please click HERE to got to the Mental Wellness Summit 2 sales page.

Mental Wellness Summit 2 (2017)

September 25 – October 2

Mental health struggles are slow, silent killers sapping us of energy and happiness. Whether challenged by depression, anxiety, stress, addiction or another manifestation, every single person is impacted and affected — you, your family, friends, neighbors and coworkers — either directly or indirectly every single day.

The Mental Wellness Summit 2
will provide you with the information you need to:

  • Overcome the silence, isolation and fear of your struggle
  • Transcend outdated, prescription-based healthcare systems
  • Find holistic practitioners and natural solutions for your pain
  • Implement expert practices, tools and tips into your daily routine
  • And so much more!

Access is FREE from September 25 to October 2.

To purchase access to these presentations so you can watch them at your convenience, please click HERE to got to the Mental Wellness Summit 2 sales page.

About The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine:

The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine is a quarterly magazine that covers a wide range of topics of interest to people who are interested in enjoying good health, including treatment and prevention options for many different conditions, with articles about different aspects of mental health featuring regularly.  The Journal also includes information about nutrition, potentially harmful chemicals and unnecessary exposure to ionising and non ionising electromagnetic radiation.

Our current issue and back issues (and free samples from each of these issues) may be found at our online shop which you can access by clicking HERE.

Our Facebook page where we share news and information about up-coming events is HERE.

If you do not already follow our Facebook page, doing so will help you learn about events (both online events and events taking place around NZ) that may be of interest to you.