Ed note:  the information below comes from an email newsletter sent by Georgina Blackmore from https://weedmanagementadvisory.wordpress.com/

Unfortunately a couple of the events listed below have come and gone but if you would like to help with the campaogn against the herbicide glyphosate (now classified as a probable carcinogen) there are contact details at the end of the newsletter

Latest glyphosate campaign information

Dear Friends,

Thank you, as always, for signing up to help stop the use of the chemical Glyphosate by Auckland Council on our streets and parks.  Thank you for this support.  It means the world to me!

Our lovely group of volunteers have been out and about all over the city raising awareness and gathering signatures.  Since I last emailed you we have close to 1000 more supporters signed up to our Open Letter on our website called Spray Free Streets

We have been contacting all the candidates in the 2016 Auckland Council Elections, asking them to state their position on this issue.  Although it’s slow-moving to get them all the respond, quite a lot have and the overwhelming majority agree that chemicals need to minimised and alternatives used instead.  However you come at this issue, common sense prevails in all things – and it’s just common sense to see a better alternative and move towards it.

Check out the responses at http://sprayfreestreets.nz/responses/

We are working on getting as many candidates to respond as possible so that at any time you can see what YOUR prospective representative thinks – and if they haven’t yet responded, give ’em a buzz.  A little nudge.  Can’t hurt can it?

As you haven’t heard from me in a while – let me give you an update.

A little reminder of the situation in Auckland

Many parts of Auckland have enjoyed chemical-free vegetation control measures for over 20 years.  The use of organic herbicides, hot water, steam and integrated approaches have been effective and risk-free.  We have proved that chemical-free public spaces can be done, and they can be done well!

But, what you may not know is that the Council is actively trying to use chemicals on every street and park.  Forcing contractors to adopt this streamlined approach.  Which…if you ask me…is just lazily trying to apply a one-size-fits-all approach to a nuanced problem.

They are choosing to ignore the staggering number of scientific reports that link glyphosate to cancer, hormone disruption, birth defects, neurological disorders and many other issues.

These health implications are not a new thing.  It was with health in mind that the Weed Management Policy for Auckland City was developed and adopted back in 2013.  The policy recognised that there is concern in the community about the unnecessary use of herbicides and aimed to minimise use; protecting our health and our environment.

Sadly, this policy has never been honoured or implemented properly, a failure that spans a number of different departments of Council over three years.

Since the Weed Management Policy was adopted on 2013 the failure to implement it has been regularly and consistently raised by members of the public and local boards.  Instead of implementing it (as they should have done three years ago), now, the Council wants to REVIEW the Weed Management Policy.

Honestly, this makes as much sense as reviewing a movie that you have never seen!

To add insult to injury, they want to take a whole year to do this!!  For yet ANOTHER year we are being asked to watch the greatest roll-out of chemicals that this city has ever seen.

So, what are we doing about this?

You’ve already seen our Open Letter and our communications with Council candidates, but in addition…

On Wednesday 31 August 2016 we are having our very own Glyphosate Awareness Day!  We will be set up from 10am to 2pm outside the Auckland Town Hall/Aotea Square where anyone can come and find out more.  You can pop along for the whole time, or maybe come and say hello in your lunch break.

Here is our Facebook Event with more information – please take a second to share it with your friends.

On Thursday 1st September 2016 the Council is meeting in the town hall to agree to the scope of the Weed Management review and a number of people will be requesting to present to it.

This is our opportunity to communicate how many people really care about this issue.

Will you come and join us?  The meeting starts at 9.30am in the Auckland Town Hall, 301-305 Queen Street and you can read about this agenda item here. 

Thank you again for your support.  Real change happens when everyday people like you and I take a stand for what we believe in.

Together we can stand up for each other.


P.S. Sorry it’s been so long since I was in touch.  I hope to always provide you with useful updates and never ask too much.  But if you ever want to be in touch, would like more information or are keen to help out in any way, don’t hesitate to email me on  sprayfreestreets [at symbol] gmail.com





NB: The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine has run feature articles on glyphosate and health. Our online shop, where you can buy printed and PDF copies of our magazine is here.

You may also wish to read some of the articles in the Environmental Health section about glyposate:other topics such as electromagnetic radiation and fluoridation also feature in this section.)


You may also enjoy our Facebook page which is here: https://www.facebook.com/The-NZ-Journal-of-Natural-Medicine-1556883684629639/
