Below is the latest news from Fluoride Free NZ:
If you can help with their fundraising campaign (to help the organisation benefit from a 2-for-1 offer), I am sure it would be most appreciated. The website for Fluoride Free NZ is
Only 4 Days Left to Reach Our Fundraising Target: $2,000 to Go! |
Our Give A Little campaign which has so far raised $32,184 from 385 generous donors ends on Thursday. With this money we have paid for:
On the 16th of August we announced that a generous donor is willing to match dollar for dollar all donations up to a total of $4,000. So far we have received $2,000 since then which means the donor will add another $2,000 but is willing to donate an extra $2,000 if other people will give, too. On the 1st of September, coincidentally the last day of our Give A Little campaign, the Spark foundation which hosts the Give A Little site will start charging 5% on all donations. So please give before then and help us get that last $2,000. That would bring us to a grand total of $38,000 which would cover all our costs with a bit left over for a billboard somewhere. People can still give to the cause after that, as we have a $5 a month campaign which helps to cover all our day-to-day costs such as email provider, web site hosting, postage and printing of educational material. All the work FFNZ does is by volunteers who kindly offer their time and skills for free, please email us if you want to help. |
NB: The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine has run feature articles on fluoride and health. Our online shop, where you can buy printed and PDF copies of our magazine is here.
You may also wish to read some of the articles in the Environmental Health section about fluoridation; other topics such as electromagnetic radiation and pesticides also feature in this section.)
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