Issue 17 of The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine discusses some of the research about how glyphosate (recently recognised as a probable carcinogen by the World Health Organization) can cause health problems.
A dedicated group of volunteers have been working to get Auckland Council to stop using glyphosate for weed control in Auckland parks and streets.
Please consider supporting their efforts by reading the information below and signing the petition – even if you do not live in Auckland. Thank you.
Hi Everyone – this is a bit of a scatter gun email approach but I am getting ready to move house and have very little time for anything else for the next few weeks, so apologies to you all for the lack of a personal email. But this can’t wait.
Things are happening real fast with regard to the latest WHO ruling that glyphosate has now been assessed as a ‘probable human carcinogen’. There is a petition up on the TOKO website – ‘Ban the use of carcinogenic chemical on Auckland’s roads and parks – NOW’.
The link is
It would be great if you could sign – but better still if you can also email anyone or everyone you know to not only sign it, but pass it on or share it on Facebook and Twitter. I don’t do either – (all this is beyond this granny here!) – but I have signed it so I know there is a button to Facebook link or twitter it at the same time. I’ve been told by the petition designer that it is a “numbers game” – the more signatures – the more attention the petition will get and the faster a critical mass is created. I’m also told that you don’t have to be an Auckland resident, anyone can sign. So pass it on to friends and family. Set a precedent in Auckland and it makes it easier for the next city to follow suit.
This all fits in nicely with the Weed Management Advisory’s pressure on Mayor Len Brown and Dr Levy calling on them to work together to switch to non-chemical in all public places within the next 6 months. ANY additional pressure, like this petition, will be of huge help. If you feel like it, you could also send an email to Len and Dr Levy – supporting our call in the WMA open letter. See our open letter to them at:
If I have time this weekend – seeing as it is awful weather and the only thing we can do is pack things up! – I will try and update the WMA website and put up a link to the petition. Thanks everyone – and thanks so much for all the hard work you have put in, and the support you have given over the last few years. This could be the ‘push’ that gets us over the line.
Kindest regards,