Website editor’s note:  I received the following message from the Health Freedom Incorporated Charitable Trust on September 23, 2015.  (The website for the Trust is )

Please read the message below and considering sharing this link with friends, family and through social media.  Thank you.



Hi Katherine,

The Natural Health and Supplementary Products Bill is about to undergo its third and final reading with broad support. We doubt that there is an MP in the house that realises the harmful consequences of this Bill.

In its current form the Bill delivers the opposite of that which was outlined and agreed to by the Minister of Health in 2009 in the Joint Industry Proposal.

The Bill is drafted with a pharmaceutical mindset, implementing a list of permitted ingredients, despite all but a tiny minority of ingredients used in natural health products posing dangers. Current supplement regulations have proven perfectly capable of restricting this minority, a method known as the ‘black list’ approach – everything not on the black list is permitted.

The current bill proposes the opposite – a ‘white list’ of permitted ingredients, which renders every ingredient not on that list forbidden. The list size is woefully inadequate by comparison to the range we currently access, and given there is no history of harm from the current system, there is no reason to change.

This will wipe multitudes of natural health products off the shelves in NZ, unbelievably products which include essential nutrients which the body must get through food or supplements, and which many choose as a safer and more effective option than pharmaceutical drugs.

We will no longer be able to purchase a wide range of health products that we rely on in NZ for our health conditions*.

The continued actions of behind-the-scenes bureaucrats in pushing this agenda to both injure the natural health industry and restrict New Zealanders from making their own healthcare choices is winding back the clock to 2007, when their last attempt was defeated at the 11th hour.

The human body is the last bastion of sovereignty. We must make our elected leaders ensure these bureaucrats do not infringe on our health freedom by again making it clear that this corporate agenda is not made law.

Please help us by:
• Sharing this message, and our subsequent communications, to everyone you can via Email, Facebook, Twitter and any other forms of social media you use.
• Write, fax, call and visit your local MP’s and opposition MPs and ask them the question WHY is the government attempting to ban the sale of nutrients which are ESSENTIAL TO HUMAN HEALTH?
• Talk to your friends, family, work colleagues and associates, tell them this information, forward them more info if you can.

This attempted infringement may affect you or your family one day. We need to again send the message that health freedom shall prevail in New Zealand now and forevermore.

Health Freedom Team
* In just one example, the essential amino acid Methionine (or L-methionine) is only permitted for external use. This is one of eight essential amino acids which are not synthesised in humans and must be ingested through food or supplements, hence the term essential amino.

Individuals with a condition called Histadelia have high-histamine levels due to a genetic metabolic imbalance. As a consequence, these individuals overproduce and retain excessive levels of histamine, resulting in a wide range of adverse effects.

Methionine offers a safe, drug-free way for Histadelics to achieve normal histamine levels.

Under the proposed Bill, any product containing this essential nutrient will be prohibited.