Website editor’s note: The text below comes from a recent newsletter from the Australian Vaccination Network, an organisation that supports freedom of choice regarding vaccination and health care in general.
The newsletter asks you to consider signing an online petition from the Your Health Your Choice campaign in Australia and help gather signatures for another petition related to natural therapies. Both of these petitions have the overall aim of helping maintain Australians’ access to natural therapies.
As you will read below, a recent Australian government report could jeopardise access to natural therapies in Australia. One of many possible negative outcomes from the report is that visits to practitioners may no longer be covered by insurance.
If you would like background reading about this issue, the link to the report may be found on an Australian government website is:$File/Natural%20Therapies%20Overview%20Report%20Final%20with%20copyright%2011%20March.pdf
The report shows that the committee’s literature search for evidence supporting various natural therapies was limited to only systematic review (SRs) published in English the previous five years. With such a limited scope for the literature search it is difficult to escape the conclusion that the report was obviously designed to deliver the conclusion that “clear evidence” of the effectiveness of many natural therapies could not be found. A lack of “clear evidence” could be used as justification for withdrawal of insurance reimbursements.
Please share this link widely to alert people as there are only three weeks left for one of the petitions as of October 2, 2017
Please also note that you do not have to live in Australia to sign one of the petitions, so if you live in NZ, please consider signing to support the many other New Zealanders who are currently resident in Australia as well as Australians.
Health Freedom Alert for Australia
The National Health & Medical Research Council (NHMRC), Australia’s top medical research body, claims to have found that 17 natural therapies are ineffective. This may lead to:
- Insurance rebates for natural therapies being scrapped
- Natural medicines being banned from sale
- Practitioners being unable to access ingredients or products
- Educational institutions having to shut down
- Practitioners being prosecuted for using “ineffective treatments”
Support this petition to the House of Representatives to create an Agency which will discover and publish the truth.
PRACTITIONERS of all natural therapies, and health food store owners;
this Petition is to protect your future, but will only work if YOU make it happen by making it available for your patients and customers to sign.
Please place the Petition pages to be signed in your clinic or store, and the Promotional Poster if you wish
PATIENTS of natural therapists, chiropractors, osteopaths, integrative medicine doctors;
this Petition is to protect your rights to choose the forms of healthcare that you wish to use in the future.
Please tell your practitioners and/or your local health food store about this Petition if they don’t already have this in their clinic or store.
Feel free to print out any of the material to take to your practitioner, OR to your local health food store.
IF 10,000 practitioners each get 100 patients to sign,
IMPORTANT: Please also give your support to an online petition by natural medicine associations requesting the Senate to conduct an inquiry into the probity of NHMRC research. You can access this petition at BOTH petitions are vital.
Thank you for supporting the future of natural medicine in Australia. Please share in your networks.
About The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine:
The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine is a quarterly magazine that covers a wide range of topics of interest to people who are interested in enjoying good health, including treatment and prevention options for many different conditions. The Journal also includes information about nutrition, potentially harmful chemicals and unnecessary exposure to ionising and non ionising electromagnetic radiation.
Our current issue and back issues (and free samples from each of these issues) may be found at our online shop which you can access by clicking HERE.
Our Facebook page where we share news and information about up-coming events is HERE.
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