Voting for local and/or district Council representatives as well as District Health Board (DHB) members is now open.  The information below is supplied by Fluoride Free NZ to help people who wish to vote for representatives who oppose the practice of adding toxic fluoride compounds to water supplies.

if you live in Auckland please note that you may also like to take into account candidates’ position on the use of the herbicide glyphosate in the city’s streets and parks.  There is information about this issue at this LINK of our website.


Local Council & DHB Candidate Responses to Fluoride Free NZ Survey Now In for Voting

We have updated the list of candidates as many people could not open the excel spreadsheet.

We were also made aware that Robyn Northey, standing for Auckland DHB, is in favour of fluoridation and Ruth Copeland, standing for Nelson Council, is opposed to fluoridation (they had entered their answer incorrectly).

We have been contacted by Peter Binns, who is standing for South Canterbury DHB to say he is opposed to fluoridation. And Clyde Graf is standing for Waikato Regional council and he is also opposed to fluoridation.

We have also updated the list with our take on some of the candidates that did not respond to the survey but their position is known to us.

We hope everyone can access the pdf list of candidates which is also on our page “Elections 2016”. If you are still having trouble, please email us and we will send you the responses from candidates in your area.


About The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine

NB: The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine has run feature articles on fluoride and health. Our online shop, where you can buy printed and PDF copies of our magazine is here.

You may also wish to read some of the articles in the Environmental Health section about fluoridation; other topics such as electromagnetic radiation and pesticides also feature in this section.)

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