If you are concerned about how the Natural Health and Supplementary Products bill could impact on your ability to stay healthy (or recover from illness if you are sick) you can find a template submission at the link below.

NB: Please note that since the downloadable documents below were written, the deadline for response on the first of the Ministry of Health consultations has changed; it is now March 4 2016.


You can find a very detailed document to help you write a submission by clicking below:

NZ Health Trust information on how to make a submission

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Since this post was written, the deadline for submissions on one of the Ministry of Health Consultations has changed. It is now March 4, 2016.

Please note that as a general rule,  government committees and departments (“Ministries”) do not take submissions that use a template format as seriously as a submission that is unique.

For this reason, it may be best to take the ideas and key points in the template submission that you find most compelling and express them in your own words.  In this way, your submission will count as a unique submission and carry more weight.

To keep up to date with health freedom issues in NZ, please sign up to the email list for www.healthfreedom.co.nz if you have not already done this. Thank you.

Photo credit:  The image that appears with this post is courtesy of http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/

NB: The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine frequently includes articles relating to freedom of choice in healthcare  Our online shop, where you can buy printed and PDF copies of our magazine is here.
