Website editor’s note: The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine is proud that Dr. Kelly Brogan is one of our regular contributors.

Dr. Brogan has chosen to specialise in holistic psychiatry to improve women’s health. In addition to running a successful medical practice, her best-selling book A Mind of Your Own and her online programme Vital Mind Reset offer women who have been suffering from common “mental health” problems such as depression or anxiety the chance to regain their health and reclaim their lives.

Now Dr. Brogan is launching her Calm Body Clear Mind online video initiative and we are really pleased to be able to offer you FREE ACCESS to these videos (for a limited time) when they are launched on September 13.

NB: There is also an option to purchase access to Dr. Brogan’s special online resources and you can be directed to the relevant page of her website by clicking HERE.

Depressed? Anxious? Just Plain BLAH?

Most of us know someone who struggles with fuzzy thinking on occasion. And sure, there are SOME days when energy is unreliable, and we can’t quite knock everything off the ‘To Do’ list, as planned. And who doesn’t feel social anxiety in certain situations?

But what if brain fog, chronic anxiety, or unstable energy are literally stopping you in your tracks?

These are the most common problems that acclaimed speaker and New York Times bestselling author, Dr. Kelly Brogan, sees in her holistic psychiatry practice.

And she has discovered a protocol to guide her patients to healing chronic illness – without drugs.

I know – what?! Psychiatry without drugs? And it isn’t talk therapy.

Dr. Brogan’s revolutionary approach to healing the brain, gut, and hormones relies on each patient awakening their body’s ability to self-correct. Rather than masking symptoms with drugs, this protocol achieves root-cause resolution of issues.

And her patients go on to lead AMAZING lives. Tearing up prescriptions they had been taking for years, or even decades.

Said of Dr. Brogan’s protocol: “I feel like a completely different person. Actually, I think it’s that I feel more like myself than I have for a very long time. I feel hopeful, and there was a point when I had given up on that.”

Yeah. It’s kind of a big deal.

Dr. Kelly Brogan equips patients with tools to speed the healing process, and simple tricks to literally rewire your body’s stress response. These are profound, yet powerful techniques, and now, for the first time ever, she’s sharing them with us for free!

You can view this video workshop series for FREE (for a limited time) when it goes live by clicking HERE.

NB: There is also an option to purchase access to Dr. Brogan’s special online resources and you can be directed to the relevant page of her website by clicking HERE.

In this new, 4-part video workshop, Calm Body, Clear Mind, Dr. Brogan shares ways to banish:

  • Brain fog
  • Unstable moods
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Disabling (and often subconscious) beliefs
  • And much more

Get advance notification when the first video goes live, and start taking actionable steps to reclaim a life you cannot wait to get out of bed for!

Click HERE to get free access (for a limited time) to this series.

NB: There is also an option to purchase access to Dr. Brogan’s special online resources and you can be directed to the relevant page of her website by clicking HERE.

About The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine:

The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine is a quarterly magazine that covers a wide range of topics of interest to people who are interested in enjoying good health, including treatment and prevention options for many different conditions. The Journal also includes information about nutrition, potentially harmful chemicals and unnecessary exposure to ionising and non ionising electromagnetic radiation.

Our current issue and back issues (and free samples from each of these issues) may be found at our online shop which you can access by clicking HERE.

Our Facebook page where we share news and information about up-coming events is HERE.

If you do not already follow our Facebook page, doing so will help you learn about events (both online events and events taking place around NZ) that may be of interest to you.


Disclosure: The company that publishes The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine has an affiliate relationship with Dr. Kelly Brogan’s online programmes and may receive some remuneration if our readers choose to make a purchase of resources produced by Dr. Kelly Brogan