Website editor’s note: The following information comes from a recent email newsletter from Greenpeace New Zealand. If you oppose seabed mining, there is information below that you can use to make a submission against this environmentally destructive practice. The closing date for submissions is 5 PM October 14, 2016.
Hi Katherine,
Like the bad guy in a horror movie, seabed mining company Trans Tasman Resources (TTR) is back. Despite losing out to public opposition when they last applied to dredge up New Zealand’s ocean for iron and profit, they’re again eyeing up our beautiful coastline, and hoping to mine 50 million tonnes of sand every year for 20 years in the South Taranaki Bight.
We’ve stopped them before. It’s time to stop them again.
TTR’s application is currently before the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA). We need to show the authority that opposition to destructive seabed mining is even stronger than when TTR was last prowling around.
In 2013 when the company sought approval for its destructive operation, local group Kiwis Against Seabed Mining (KASM) mobilised nearly 5,000 people to make submissions opposing it. In 2014 the application was denied. This year KASM is aiming for 10,000. Here’s your chance to be one of those 10,000.
The EPA has asked for public submissions and has given you until 14 October 2016 to have your say.
Seabed mining involves aggressive extraction of underwater minerals and resources from the sea floor. Usually this is done by dredging, which destroys life on the seabed, and creates plumes that are detrimental to all marine life in the area. Ocean creatures such as blue and southern right whales also have a high chance of being impacted, along with the highly endangered Māui and Hector’s dolphins.
The ironsands off the west coast of the North Island are a unique geological and marine environment. But they are now in the crosshairs of global mining companies.
The size of TTR’s proposed activity is unprecedented and there are numerous things that could go wrong such as spills, oil leaks or collisions.
We must protect our marine environment from such destructive activities. Submissions must be received by 5.00pm on Friday 14 October 2016 – you can still have your say – Say no to seabed mining in New Zealand waters.
Thanks again,
Mike and the whole crew at Greenpeace
NB: Featured image courtesy of tuelekza at; Thank you!
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