Update:  Vinny Eastwood’s youtube channel has now been reinstated.  Thank you to everyone who supported him.


Vinny Eastwood has been filming events such as rallies and protests on issues of public importance such as genetic engineering, the TPPA etc. for eight years.  He has also developed his own website and regularly  interviews activists on his internet based radio show http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/.

Over the years he has amassed an impressive and comprehensive library of interviews on his youtube page.

However, he recently received three complaints about his youtube page which resulted in it being removed from the net.  (He explains the whole sorry story at this link: http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/vinny-mr-news-eastwoods-blog/how-my-lifes-work-disappeared-into-a-youtube-loophole-and-why-you-could-be-next)

He has started a petition as part of a campaign to get his channel reinstated. It may be viewed and signed below:



Any support that you can give to Vinny in this matter would be appreciated.

Update:  Vinny Eastwood’s youtube channel has now been reinstated.  Thank you to everyone who supported him.