Fluoride is a Neurotoxin that Reduces Children’s IQ

Fluoride Free NZ has organised two events in early September 2018 that feature international experts on fluoride. The focus is on the effects of fluoride on the intelligence of children.

The links for the two event are below:

Dunedin (September 4, 2018):


Wellington (September 6, 2018): 


The speakers are Dr. Vyvyan Howard, Declan Waugh and Prof Paul Paul Connett whose biographies are below.

Dr. Vyvyan Howard

Dr. C Vyvyan Howard, MB ChB, PhD, FRCPath, has recently retired as Professor of Bioimaging, Nano Systems Biology, Centre for Molecular Biosciences, University of Ulster.

Vyvyan Howard is a medically qualified toxico-pathologist with expertise on the effects of toxic substances on the foetus and infant during the developmental period of life.

He is a past president of the International Society of Doctors for the Environment, which is a World Health Organisation and United Nations recognised NGO representing some 30,000 medical doctors around the world. He has also served on UK Government regulatory committees, including six years as a toxicologist on the Advisory Committee on Pesticides.

Vyvyan states that there is scientific evidence to support nervous system damage by fluoride both via a direct neurotoxicological mechanism or by an indirect endocrine disruption mechanism and that observed epidemiological deficits in human IQ could be as the result of both mechanisms.

It is his opinion that in humans there is an indirect mechanism for fluoride developmental neurotoxicity through maternal thyroid hormone disruption that is more likely to predominate and therefore be demonstrated at the population level. and that this is primarily because of the exquisite sensitivity of the human brain to minimal hypothyroidism.

As an international expert on the link between environmental hazards and cancer, Vyvyan Howard strongly urges caution in several matters such as water fluoridation.

A brief video by Dr Vyvyan Howard on fluoride in drinking water can be seen at: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=vyvyan+howard+fluoride+video&view=detail&mid=B30BE352654622CA5740B30BE352654622CA5740&FORM=VIRE

Declan Waugh 

As a professional scientist, Declan has an impressive record in environmental due diligence, risk management, environmental impact assessment and environmental research.

Over the last 25 years, Declan has overseen the environmental management of several industrial operations as well as delivering solutions for client’s complex environmental challenges in developing renewable energy and waste management projects, assessing and managing contaminated land restoration projects, water management, acoustics and environmental impact assessment.

Declan has also worked as a research scientist in several large-scale EU funded collaborative research projects in life cycle assessment and environmental management of industrial projects with European universities, as well as spearheading and delivering a national research project for the Environmental Protection Agency.

Since 2012, Declan has devoted considerable time and resources to independently assess the environmental and health risks associated with fluoride exposure, in addition to undertaking due diligence examination of community water fluoridation. Declan undertook the first risk assessment of fluoride intake from tea in the Republic of Ireland, addressing its implications for water fluoridation.

In addition, Declan recently published a similar study of fluoride intake from tea in New Zealand. This comprehensive study also reviews the international evidence regarding chronic fluoride intake and its association with chronic pain, arthritic disease, and musculoskeletal disorders and provide insights into possible association between fluoride intake and the high prevalence of these disorders in New Zealand.

The research articles by Declan are available on PubMed, the US National Library of medicine, National Institutes of health website at:


Paul Connett

Paul Connett, PhD, is currently Acting Director of Fluoride Action Network, one of the largest organisations opposing water fluoridation worldwide.

As a prominent water fluoridation critic he has travelled extensively liaising with groups who oppose adding the toxin fluoride to community water supplies in other fluoridating countries.

Paul is a graduate of Cambridge University, holds a Ph.D. in chemistry from Dartmouth College and taught chemistry for 23 years at St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY, where he specialised in environmental chemistry and toxicology.

In 1996, Paul was persuaded by his wife, Ellen, to investigate the controversial practice of water fluoridation and subsequently in 2000 became one of the founders of the Fluoride Action Network which he directed for 15 years.

In 2003, he gave an invited presentation to a panel appointed by the US National Research Council, which published a landmark review of fluoride’s toxicity in 2006.

In 2010 Paul co-authored The Case against Fluoride: How Hazardous Waste Ended Up in Our Drinking Water and the Bad Science and Powerful Politics That Keep It There along with Dr James Beck and Dr Spedding Micklem.

This seminal text brought new research to light including links between fluoride and harm to the brain, bones and endocrine system while arguing that the evidence of fluoridation reducing tooth decay, the sole reason it is added to drinking water, is surprisingly weak.

Download Paul Connett’s 50 Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation or watch Paul’s 2016 debate with Prof Mike Berridge New Zealand’s most cited scientist from the Malaghan Institute.




About The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine:

The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine is a quarterly magazine that covers a wide range of topics of interest to people who are interested in enjoying good health, including treatment and prevention options for many different conditions, with articles about fluoridation featuring regularly.  The Journal also includes information about nutrition, potentially harmful chemicals and unnecessary exposure to ionising and non ionising electromagnetic radiation.

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