Update April 25, 2016:The funding target for the Save Our Seeds documentary project has now  been achieved.

A big “Thank You” to everyone who has helped.  When the documentary is available, information will be posted on this website and our Facebook page to let you know about it. 

The website for the documentary makers is http://localisingfood.com/

“S.O.S: Save Our Seeds” Update April 21, 2016

Website editor’s note:  Good food is the foundation of health and the diversity of seeds for important foods has declined dramatically world-wide over the last century. That’s the bad news.  The good news is that there are people working assiduously all over the world to save our seeds, including many dedicated people in NZ.

Any help that you can give to help Robina McCurdy make this important NZ documentary on seed saving, whether you can give a donation, or simply help by networking the information below around to people so that others can make a contribution, would be appreciated.

“S.O.S: Save Our Seeds”

20 April, 2016


Exiting News!!   Our ‘Pledge Me’ Crowd Funding Campaign is on $5031 with 6 days to go to reach our target of $8500 so that we can make this documentary. That’s just $3469 to go.   The reality is if we hit our target or beyond it, we receive everything, if we don’t, we receive nothing.  Nothing means that we don’t have the means to go ahead with editing the footage of all the amazing seed saving initiatives which we have captured around Aotearoa/New Zealand over the past 3 years. Although there are many examples out there to learn from, we discovered that many bioregions in NZ have no community seed bank or seed exchange at all.

We so want to ‘bring our stories to life’ in order to tell a powerful collective story, which has the potential, through committed community action
•    to prevent the extinction of seed lines,
•    curtail private patenting of seeds
•     prevent genetic modification of seeds in our country

To really get the severity of seed vulnerability, we encourage you to watch any of these superbly researched truth-hitting documentaries: Seeds of Death, Seed Hunters, Seeds of Time, Open Sesame and Seeds of War (or their trailers, which are all on-line).  As these documentaries all profoundly address the issues around ‘seed politics’ and focus less on sustainable solutions, there is an international niche for the message and models in S.O.S. as they are applicable throughout the world.  So, our “S.O.S.: Save Our Seeds” documentary is very timely and significant.

The outcome of reaching our target of $ 8500  by April 26th, (April 25th in the Northern Hemisphere) is that on 1st August (our planned for release date), you (as well as anyone in the world!) will be able to embark on a fascinating and informative seed-learning adventure around this country, visiting seed initiatives such as the
•    Karamea Seed Exchange (Westland)
•    Te Aranga marae gardens (Hawkes Bay)
•    Te Parapara kumara gardens (Hamilton
•    Golden Bay Seedsavers seed gardens (Nelson)
•    Koanga Seeds (Wairoa)
•    Bristols Seeds (Whanganui) Ecoseeds (Wellington)
•    home seed saver Helen Dew (Wairarapa) and ‘step inside’ Southern Seed Exchanges straw-bale seed bank (Christchurch).
However, this journey won’t happen unless we raise another $3469 by April 26th (25th) So please help us by financial contribution, and networking this campaign far and wide.

In gratitude
For the wellbeing of present and future generations

Robina McCurdy
and The Localising Food Team


NB: The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine now has a Facebook page where we post updates about the vaccination issue and other information of interest to health conscious people.  Please click HERE to be directed to our Facebook page.