Good food is one of the basics of health. Qualty fresh fruit and vegetables are particularly important – but NZ children who live in low income households often miss out on sufficient fresh fruit and veges..

Robina McCurdy of the Localising Food Project who produced the documentary Growing Schools  which profiled successful school gardening initiatives, is now working on a new documentary called Save Our Seeds.

She has requested that supporters donate funds via “Pledge Me” to support this new project.

You can read more about this very worthwhile project at the link belowL

Localising Food Project










Ed note:  The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine features articles about various aspects of children’s health, including vaccination, as well as nutrition, protection from electromagnetic radiation (EMR) etc  If you are interested in children’s health you may enjoy some of the articles at our online archive at this link:

If you are interested in vaccination, you may find the articles at this archive to be of interest:.

Our online shop, where you can buy printed and PDF copies of our magazine (and also download free samples of  articles from different issues) is here.