About this page:

This page is designed to answer common questions from NZ and Australian subscribers of The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine. (Please note that we are no longer shipping to  countries other than NZ and Australia. due to postage price increases and unreliability of postal services.  If you are overseas, you may wish to buy PDFs of each issue as this is more reliable and more economical.)

If you would like to subscribe (or purchase printed or PDF back issues), please go to our online shop here: https://naturalmedicine.net.nz/shop/.

Q:  What is the current issue for NZ? 

The current issue for NZ is issue 48

Copies of this issue have been posted to NZ subscribers and are also available in retail stockists.

Q:  What is the current issue for Australia? 

The current issue for Australia is issue 48

Copies of this issue will be posted to Australian subscribers shortly and will also available in retail stockists very soon.

Q: Can I subscribe, renew my subscription or buy back issues online?

A: Yes, you can subscribe or buy back issues via our website store at this link www.naturalmedicine.net.nz/store/ if you have a Visa, Mastercard or Paypal account.

(If you do not have a Visa, Mastercard or PayPal account, other options for subscribing are listed at this link: https://naturalmedicine.net.nz/subscribe/)

Q: How will I know that my online purchase has been successful?

A: Within a few minutes of your purchase you should receive an email receipt from our online store acknowledging your purchase. You should also notice that your credit card or Paypal account has been debited.

Q:  I have ordered a PDF copy; how do I download this?

Click on the download link that you will find in the receipt that you will have been sent by our shop upon making a successful purchase.  The download link is in underlined.  It is best to download your copy using a wired connection and to download only one PDF at a time as each PDF is a reasonably large file and the download may fail if you try to do download more than one PDF simultaneously.

Q: How long will it take for my magazine(s) to arrive?

A: If you are in NZ or Australia and have ordered the current issue for your country or one or more back issues, these should arrive within four-six weeks of your order. (The comparatively long time frame is due to often lengthy mail delivery times when mail is posted to rural areas: if you are in a major city or town then you may receive your copy sooner.)

If you have ordered a copy of the Journal that has not yet been produced, it will be sent to you once it has been printed and is available in the country in which you live.

(Information about what issue is current in which country may be found at this link: www.naturalmedicine.net.nz/subscribe/ )

Q: How will I know when my subscription is due for renewal?

A: You will receive a renewal form with the last issue of your subscription.

Q:  Which back issues are available online?

A:  We have printed copies of most issues available on our online store at this link www.naturalmedicine.net.nz/store/.  (You can distinguish PDF copies from print copies by the PDF logo that appears on the bottom right hand corner of the cover image of PDF products in our online shop.)

You can get quick links to many back issues (up to Issue 27) below:

Print issues: www.naturalmedicine.net.nz/news/links-to-printed-copies-of-the-nz-journal-of-natural-medicine-that-are-available-through-our-online-shop/

PDF issues:  https://naturalmedicine.net.nz/news/links-to-e-book-pdf-editions-of-the-nz-journal-of-natural-medicine/

NB:  Most back issues from issue 28 and onwards are still available may be found in our online shop at this link:  https://naturalmedicine.net.nz/shop/

Q: How can I subscribe if I do not have a Visa,  Mastercard or Paypal account?

A: Other options for subscribing are at this link:


Please note that while we can still accept cheques from Australian customers, we CANNOT not accept international money orders as these cannot be processed in New Zealand.

Q:  Is there an easy way of finding out what topics feature in which issue(s)?  

A:  Yes, for our earlier issues you can download an alphabetical  index topics in issues 1 – 20 at this link: https://naturalmedicine.net.nz/news/new-index-covering-issues-1-20/

Q:  What do I do if this page has not answered my question?

If you have other questions, you may email through the Contact form at this link https://naturalmedicine.net.nz/contact/ .  Thank you.

NB: The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine now has a Facebook page where we post updates about the vaccination issue and other information of interest to health conscious people.  Please click HERE to be directed to our Facebook page.