Website editor’s note: The following information comes from recent newsletters from the Australian Vaccine-skeptics Network, an organisation that supports parental and personal choice regarding vaccination and has been instrumental in bringing Vaxxed screenings to Australia.
The Eventbrite link for the screenings is below:
To get ongoing updates from the AVN, the best thing to do is to sign up to their email list.
The film that the government does not want you to see
The AVN is bringing the VaxXed tour to areas of QLD that have been wanting such an event for many months. And QLD government officials, medical authorities and media outlets could not be more upset.
Cameron Dick, QLD Health Minister, has called on Queenslanders to boycott the film and for venues to refuse to show it.
Dr Jeannette Young, Chief Medical Officer, states that vaccines are linked to SIDS or autism were “entirely baseless, irresponsible and dangerous’
And Dr Michael Gannon, AMA President, is concerned that the AVN is ‘pursuing’ QLD towns with good vaccination rates. He apparently thinks that exposure to the truth about vaccines may lead to people making informed choices to stop vaccinating.
As a result of these concerns, the AVN has invited these three individuals, Cameron Dick, Dr Jeannette Young and Dr Michael Gannon, to attend any of the VaxXed events they would like, to sit on the Q & A Panel and to be available to prove to our audiences exactly why they should take the government’s and doctor’s word regarding vaccine safety and effectiveness.
After all, if they have nothing to hide, they will have everything to gain from their attendance at these events.
These will be the VaxXed screenings to end all screenings because, in addition to Tasha David, AVN President and Meryl Dorey, AVN Founder, we hope to have several USA VaxXed team members appearing via Skype hookup as well. The government hasn’t yet been able to ban anyone from appearing via video hookup – though no doubt they are trying!
But we need your help to get the word out.
Below are links to each of the events – tickets are now on sale! If you would like to see the entire list online, here is our Eventbrite Page.
Can you please share this information by forwarding to everyone you know in QLD, by sharing these links on social media and by coming along to the event nearest you? We would love to see you there!
We still need helpers in Townsville, Emerald and several other locations – we will be sending out another message by the weekend with updates on what is needed.
Please email avnenquiries [at symbol] [dotorgdotau]. if you would like to be either an ambassador or assistant (or if you want to find out what is involved with helping). We will need your name, phone number and email address please.
Thanks to everyone for your help! Let’s make this the most amazing tour ever!
The AVN Team
About The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine:
The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine is a quarterly magazine that covers a wide range of topics of interest to people who are interested in enjoying good health, including treatment and prevention options for many different conditions. Articles of interest to parents feature frequently. The Journal also includes information about nutrition, potentially harmful chemicals and unnecessary exposure to ionising and non ionising electromagnetic radiation.
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