Website editor’s note: The following text has been excerpted from a recent newsletter from WAVESnz, the organisation that has been coordinating NZ screenings of the important documentary Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe. 

Revised NZ Vaxxed Tour Itinerary

Please note that the itinerary for the NZ Vaxxed Tour has been slightly changed as of August 1, 2017.

Events are taking place in many parts of NZ so please check it out to find out your closest event and share with family and friends.

The up-to-date itinerary (which includes information for ticketing for some special Vaxxed screenings) may be downloaded by clicking on the coloured link below:

Itinerary Vaxxed Tour updated August 1 2017

There is also a special screening of Vaxxed in Gisborne on Friday August 11.  The link to buy tickets for this screening is:

General Information About the NZ Vaxxed Tour

VAXXED NZ have organised an entire week of exciting events. They are travelling with VAXXED mum Polly Tommey (pictured below) and internationally acclaimed cameraman Anu Vaidya to collect vaccinated, vaccine-free, vax/no vax siblings and natural immunity stories. Car pool, meet up with friends, bring your kids, something to eat and join these sessions from Auckland starting Monday 7th August and continuing down the North Island to Wellington, finishing up with a big screening with our international guests on the 12th August.  Contact vaxxedinfo [at symbol] or 0509 VAXXED to RSVP and get locations.

As our WAVESnz members know, there are no studies that have investigated the combined, expanding, long term outcomes of the vaccination schedule.

Are the vaccinated healthier than the non vaccinated ?

This study has remained ‘un-done’ for decades.  The NZ Ministry of Health considers it unethical to deny a child a ‘life saving vaccine’, therefore they refuse to carry out research comparing vaccinated, partially vaccinated and vaccine free long term health outcomes.

New Zealand parents take their children’s health far more seriously than the vaccine industry, so we must take control of the situation ourselves and gather our own data for future generations of New Zealanders. Make sure you are part of history and come and supply VAXXED & WAVES with the data.

All parents’ experiences, vaccinated and not vaccinated are welcome. Go to the facebook page for more information;

Nga mihi nui, the VAXXED/WAVESnz team













Dr. Suzanne Humphries (above) is one of the featured speakers for the Vaxxed NZ Tour.


About The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine:

The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine is a quarterly magazine that covers a wide range of topics relating to health, including vaccination. Our website is