The New Zealand Journal of Natural Medicine: Issue #44


The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine is designed to empower people with knowledge about how to maintain good health – or record from illness.  This issue includes articles on many different topics including nutrition,  Western herbal medicine, Ayurvedic herbal medicines, acupuncture and homoeopathy.

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Introducing Issue 44 of The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine

With issue 44, The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine  is eleven years old.

We’re very proud of this issue as we believe it provides information that will be valuable to people who have a spectrum of health concerns – as well as for people who are healthy – and want to remain that way.

Animal lovers aren’t forgotten in this issue, either, with a heart warming  case history about Mollie, a collie cross who developed a horrible mange (that was both itchy and smelly)  while mourning the loss of her canine best friend. The good news:  A non toxic and easy to administer homoeopathic remedy healed up Mollie’s nasty mange – and helped her become a generally, healthier, happier dog.

Back to human health concerns and we are pleased to be able  to run  an article by Thomas Levy, MD, JD about strategies that can be used to help people who are suffering from spike protein related illness (whether from the SARS-CoV-2 virus or a Covid shot).

This issue also features an article by Mary Beth Gonzalez who founded the Nicholas Gonzalez Foundation following the untimely death of her husband, Nicholas Gonzalez MD.  “Dr Nick” (as his patients used to call him) worked in private practice in New York for more than 25 years during which time he used a nutrition and detoxification-based therapy to treat people with serious conditions including metastatic cancer.

The Nicholas Gonzalez Foundation is dedicated to ensuring that the treatment protocols that Dr,. Gonzalez developed  are available  to people who need them  and has established a training programme for physicians, among other initiatives.

Our “Difficult Acupuncture Case Study” for this issue relates the story of how acupuncture was used alongside conventional cancer treatments to assist a patient who was suffering from bowel cancer and anaemia.

Herbal medicine, one of the oldest forms of therapy is not forgotten in issue 44 which includes profiles of two herbs from Ayurvedic medicine; Shatavari –  a premier herb for the both male and female reproductive and sexual health – and Brahmi.- which offers benefits for the brain and nerves.

If you have allergies, our nutrition section has a must read on how vitamin C can help with this common health problem.

All this and much more in Issue 44 of The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine.

Wishing you the best of health!

– Katherine Smith and Jonathan Eisen, Editors



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