Recently a 3D Investigates programme profiled four previously healthy NZ girls who became ill following the HPV vaccination Gardasil. The programme also briefly told the stories of two NZ girls, Jasmine Renata (18) and Sarah Curran (16) who died unexpectedly following HPV vaccinations.
Issue 19 of The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine provides more information on this important issue.
The article “Ill Health After HPV vaccination: NZ Mothers and Daughters Share Their Experiences”, details the symptoms suffered by three girls who became ill after receiving the HPV vaccine Gardasil and includes information about the types of treatments that they have undergone in an effort to relieve their pain and other symptoms.
The article also discusses some of the mechanisms by which HPV vaccines may cause illness in some recipients.
Issue 19 is already available in shops in NZ and goes on sale in Australia on November 26. The issue can also be purchased from our online shop at this link:
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