At the link below you can see a mini documentary on electrohypersensitivity (also known as EHS, electrosensitivity or ES or electromagnetic hypersensivity (EMS).)  People with this condition develop a range of unpleasant symptoms (ranging from relatively mild to disabling) from exposure to electromagnetic radiation and electromagnetic fields produced by common devices such as cell phones, cell phone towers, Wi-Fi etc.

Produced by Time magazine, the story of several people with EHS is presented in beautiful cinematography.  Highly recommended:

If you have a slow Internet connection and cannot watch videos, you may want to read this link for a personal perspective about what it is like to live with EHS:

NB: The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine has recently featured an interview with international expert on EHS, Professor Olle Johansson in issue 19, while issue 20 features an article on electrohypersensitivity as well as a review of Diane Crumpler’s book Prostituting Science.

If you would like to download a free sample of issue 20, you can find one at this link, while copies of issue 20 in print format may be purchased here or as a PDF here.

To purchase a copy or to download a free sample of any of our issues, please visit our online shop at this link:

For more information about how to reduce EMR exposures, please visit this link:

Our online shop, where you can buy printed and PDF copies of our magazine is here.

