Alcohol and health: How to help with your vote

New Zealand has a serious alcohol problem, with abuse of this socially acceptable drug contributing to car crashes, domestic violence, and many cases of cancer. Alcohol Action has been working to improve the regulation of alcohol in NZ to reduce alcohol-related accidents, violence and health problems. Some political parties are more responsive to Alcohol Acti0n’s actions plans to reduce alcohol-related harm... Read More | Share it now!

Smart meter talk at WellFest September 20

This event has come and gone…if you would like information on the smart meter issue please see or or you can see an award-winning documentary at this link     This year’s WellFest Auckland is taking place on September 20-21 and will feature a talk on smart meters and health by Katherine Smith. Full details are at... Read More | Share it now!

FREE EMF (Electromagnetic Fields) Summit

You can get a free ticket to an international online EMF Summit by signing up to the email list at   This will mean that you get periodic access to videos that include presentations by world experts in different aspect of electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic radiation and health. For example: * Epidemiologist Samuel Milham, PhD, expert on “dirty electricity” (and author... Read More | Share it now!

The Big Latch On: Breastfeeding Promotion

Women all over New Zealand will join forces in celebration of breastfeeding, taking part in The Big Latch On, the 2nd and 3rd of August.  To find out where your nearest Big Latch On event is being held go to Ed note: If you are pregnant or have a baby and would like information about or  support during breastfeeding, please visit In addition to information... Read More | Share it now!

August 30: Reducing Breast Cancer Risk Seminar

This event has now come and gone.  Please see the Breast Cancer Network’s website for more information:   The Breast Cancer Network which focuses on the prevention of breast cancer is running a  ‘Reducing Breast Cancer Risk’ Seminar on August 30.   The details are as follows: Date and Time: Saturday 30th August 9.00am – 4.30pm Venue: Kings School, 258 Remuera road,... Read More | Share it now!

Videos from launch event on June 15, 2014

June 15 was the official launch data for issue 13 of The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine as well as the new online Natural Medicine Resource and Events Directory Held in Auckland’s Mount Eden War Memorial Hall, this event was compered by the publisher of The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine Jonathan Eisen and featured four guest speakers. First to speak was Dr. Wayne McCarthy who... Read More | Share it now!

June 25: Documentary examines breast screening

This event has now come and gone…however, Tauranga Monthly Film Nights holds screenings of many interesting films (including a screening of the award-winning documentary on “smart meters” Take Back Your Power  so you may want to visit the group’s Facebook page (details below). There is also a Facebook page for the film The Promise at this link: ... Read More | Share it now!

Food hui in Albany, Auckland on June 5, 2014

This event has come and gone but I have left it on the website for people who need inspiration.  If you are interested in sustainable local food production you may also enjoy .   A food hui will be held on June 5 at the Kawai Purapura Retreat Centre in Albany.  This is a great way to learn about sustainable food production and be inspired by what other people are doing in their... Read More | Share it now!

Learn about electromagnetic radiation and your health

This event has come and gone but the presentation was videoed and you can view the footage at this link:   Videos from launch event on June 15, 2014 NB: Subscribers to The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine are emailed information about our events in advance;  if you are not a subscriber you can sign up to our email list at this link to receive emails about upcoming event. For more... Read More | Share it now!

Update 26 June 2014: This fundraising appeal was successful…Thank you to everyone who contributed!   For ongoing information about the Localising Food Project and/or to buy DVDs, please visit   Editor’s note: The Localising Food Project led by Robina McCurdy needs YOUR help so that it can reach its goal of completing a documentary on local food production.  There is a... Read More | Share it now!

Localising Food Project needs your support

Update 26 June 2014: This fundraising appeal was successful…Thank you to everyone who contributed!   For ongoing information about the Localising Food Project and/or to buy DVDs, please visit   Editor’s note: The Localising Food Project led by Robina McCurdy needs YOUR help so that it can reach its goal of completing a documentary on local food production.  There is a... Read More | Share it now!

Kay Baxter from Koanga Institute national speaking tour

Editor’s note:  As you may know, the Koanga Institute, started by Kay Baxter holds New Zealand’s premiere heritage seed and fruit tree collection. Kay is currently touring NZ to raise money to buy the land on which the has been established. Below is an email from naturopath Caroline Marshall explaining the importance of the tour. Details of the talks may be found at this link... Read More | Share it now!

Invitation to book launch

June 26 update: This event has now come and gone but you can become informed about the authors’ work by visiting the websites and     Following on from the sell-out success of their book Feed Me Right, mother and daughter team Dee and Tamarin Pignéguy now bring you Grow Me Well, which takes you further on your journey towards understanding the... Read More | Share it now!

Is your child addicted to video or computer games?

Note from site editor: This event has come and gone but Dr. Sam Shay is one of the guest speakers at the launch of issue 13…please  see this link for details:     Chiropractic physician Dr. Sam Shay will be at the Women’s Lifestyle Expo in Hamilton, on May 17-18 where he will  give a talk on... Read More | Share it now!

Invitation to Launch of issue 13 and new online directory

This event has now come and gone but the guest speakers were videoed, and everyone who has signed up to the email list for will be sent a link to the footage  when it has been posted online. If you are not on our email list (or were not signed up at the time of the mass email out)   For the new Resource and Events directory, please... Read More | Share it now!

WELLfest, where wellness counts …

Coming up in the latter half of this year are three WELLfest expos which feature a collection of exhibitors, entertainment, key speakers and free seminars which are offering New Zealand’s very first “West meets East, North and South” expo.   The key to WELLfest is that these expos recognise that health and wellness is not “one size fits all”. WELLfest embraces that we are each unique and therefore... Read More | Share it now!

BioBalance Health Training Opportunity

BioBalance, an Australian organisation that offers training in how to treat conditions such as depression, autism, ADHD and schizophrenia with nutritional medicine has training opportunties for health professionals coming up in April. There are also opportunities for assessments for people who suffer from these conditions. For more information, please see the website Events are at... Read More | Share it now!

“Smart meter” talk at Voices of Sacred Earth Eco-Festival on February 22

  This event has come and gone…to find out about the smart meter situation in NZ please visit   This year’s Voices of Sacred Earth Eco-Festival is coming up on February 21-23. Katherine Smith will give a talk on the “smart meter” issue at the festival on Saturday, February 22 from 12.30-12.45. The Voices of Sacred Earth Eco-Festival takes place in Albany, Auckland... Read More | Share it now!

Voices of Sacred Earth Eco-Festival

This year’s Voices of Sacred Earth Eco-Festival  will take place on February 21-23 The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine will have a stall at this event which is coming up on February 21-13.  The festival takes place in Albany, Auckland and begins with a concert on Friday night and the next two days feature a large range of healing and environmentally-friendly activities, including a stream clean-up, talks... Read More | Share it now!