Fluoride expert to give public talks

Dr. Paul Connett,  Director of the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), and the Executive Director of its parent body, the American Environmental Health Studies Project (AEHSP).  is visiting NZ to give pubic talks in February.His talks in NZ have been organised by Fluoride Action Network NZ http://www.fannz.org.nz/ Dr Connett is a must-not-miss speaker who has spoken and given more than 2,000 presentations in... Read More | Share it now!

Dr Don Maisch to speak on North Shore November 28

Ed note: This event has come and gone but Dr Maisch’s talk in Remuera was videoed and when this footage has been posted online, this link will be updated with the link.   Visiting electromagnetic radiation expert Dr Don Maisch, PhD (who runs www.emfacts.com) gave a free public lecture on “smart meters”, including health risks in Remuera on Tuesday 26th November. The informative lecture and... Read More | Share it now!

EMR Expert to Visit NZ

Ed note: This event has come and gone but Dr Maisch’s talk in Remuera was videoed and when this footage has been posted online, this link will be updated with the link.   Don Maisch, PhD will be visiting New Zealand in November, where he will be giving talks and also conducting electromagnetic radiation (EMR) risk assessments.  Dr Maisch’s PhD thesis The Procrustean Approach examines the influence... Read More | Share it now!

Take Back Your Power: Free screenings

Free screenings of the new documentary on “smart meters” Take Back Your Power are being organised around New Zealand. “Smart meters”‘, as the documentary illustrates, can cause significant health problems, as well as infringing on people’s privacy and often resulting in higher electricity bills.   Details of public screenings in NZ in 2014 may be found at this link: 2014... Read More | Share it now!

Launch event for issue 11

Issue 11 of The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine will go on sale in retail outlets this coming week (from 29 October) and will also be posted out to NZ subscribers on Tuesday October 29, so they should arrive this coming week.  (Australian subscribers should receive their copies in the the first week of December.) To celebrate this new issue we are having a launch event on November 3rd, featuring three guest... Read More | Share it now!

Pip Oxlade to speak at Natural Health Expo

Pip Oxlade, the advertising manager for The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine is also a well-known health professional in her own right, having begun her career as a nurse and midwife, before developing her abilities as an intuitive healer. She will be speaking on Sunday in the Rotary Lounge at 2.15. The Natural Health Expo http://www.naturalhealthexpo.co.nz/ is an annual event in Hamilton and this year features a... Read More | Share it now!

Editors to speak at Natural Health Expo

The editors of The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine will be speaking at Hamilton’s Natural Health Expo on Sunday October 20th.  The Natural Health Expo is taking place at Hamilton Gardens on October 19th and 20th.  More details may be found here:  http://www.naturalhealthexpo.co.nz/ Jonathan Eisen will give a talk on “How to keep the bastards from grinding you down” at 11.15 am in the Rotary... Read More | Share it now!

Breast thermography coming to Whangarei

Breast thermography offers a safe, non-contact and radiation-free method of assessing breast health. Women in Whangarei and Northland who would like to have a thermogram to check their breast health now have the opportunity to do this in the Whangarei suburb of Kamo, rather than having to drive to Auckland. A thermography clinic day offered by Clinical Thermography NZ will take place at Kamo Dental Centre, 2 Grant... Read More | Share it now!

March for Seed Freedom October 12

A march to assert the human right to save seeds and to draw attention to the corporate grab for power and control over the world’s food supply through patenting seeds, as well as through the development of  GE technologies (such as the “terminator gene” which makes plants sterile) will take place in Wellington on October 12. If you would like to be part of this event, please meet at the Bucket... Read More | Share it now!

Vaccination Talks by Touring Author

Australian author Stephanie Messenger  has been researching the vaccination issue for 30 years since her healthy new baby’s health deterioration and eventual death after his scheduled vaccines.  Stephanie subsequently became the mother of three vaccine-free healthy children. Her website is http://naturematters.info/ Stephanie is now touring New Zealand in association with WAVESnz (formerly known as  the... Read More | Share it now!

Vaccination Talk on October 6th

Australian author Stephanie Messenger is currently touring New Zealand and will be giving a talk  In Auckland this Sunday 6th October, 2:00 – 5:30pm.  (She will be giving talks in other centres as well;  information about these will be posted shortly.) Venue:          Grey Lynn Library Hall, 474 Great North Road, Auckland Date:          Sunday, 6th OCTOBER, 2013 Time:         2:00pm... Read More | Share it now!

Pip Oxlade to speak at WellFest on October 5th

Pip Oxlade is not only the advertising manager for The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine but a well-known health professional in her own right, having begun her career as a nurse and midwife, before developing her abilities as an intuitive healer. She will be speaking at WellFest on Saturday in Seminar Room 3 at 3.45 pm. The WellFest health expo will take place in Auckland on October 5-6 from 10 am to 5 pm. Entry is... Read More | Share it now!

Electropollution talk at WellFest October 5th

NB: If you missed this talk, You can see one of Paul’s previous presentations at this link:  https://naturalmedicine.net.nz/site-news/emr-experts-talk-now-online/   Electropollution expert Paul Waddell who runs www.safespace.net.nz will be speaking at WellFest in Auckland at 2 pm on Saturday October 5th. Paul will be speaking in Seminar Room 1 and will discuss common sources of electropollution and... Read More | Share it now!

WellFest: Health Expo in Auckland October 5-6

After the success of WellFest in Wellington (despite the earthquakes!) the next WellFest event will be in Auckland on  October 5-6 from 10 am to 5 pm. Entry is $10 f0r adults and children under 12 years are free. The venue for the event is the Vodafone Events Centre in Manukau.  The address of the venue and a map can be accessed through this link: http://www.pacific.org.nz/about-us/contact-us/ The NZ Journal of... Read More | Share it now!

Suicide Prevention Conference

The organisation Casper www.casper.org.nz which aims to reduce suicide through community education is holding its annual conference on September 10.  Suicide is a major cause of death in young people in NZ.   Casper’s website includes a forum and links to information about suicide.   Details for the conference are below: No Suspicious Circumstances? Suicide Prevention... Read More | Share it now!

Concerned about GE, Big Pharma…?

Ed note:  While this post refers to an event that has now come and gone, further  pro-democracy events are planned by Kiwis Connect;  for details visit the site www.kiwisconnect.org.nz   Calling all concerned citizens! On September 1st 2013 there will be nationwide rallies which will unite Kiwis who are concerned about the loss of democracy occurring in New Zealand. Why is this relevant to GE food, food... Read More | Share it now!

Health Expo in Hamilton October 19-20 2013

The annual Health Expo at Hamilton Gardens will take place on the weekend of October 19th and 20th. Hamilton Sat Oct 19 to Sun Oct 20, 2013 Hamilton Gardens Pavillion Adults $7, Under 15s gold-coin donation This event is always enjoyable and features an inviting range of natural health options under one roof, as well as seminars.  The event provides an opportunity for the public to become informed about different... Read More | Share it now!