Editor’s note: This is the latest news from health Freedom NZ Trust. (For background information please read this link.) I would recommend that anyone interested in health freedom issues in NZ sign up to the email list on www.healthfreedom.co.nz to get timely updates.
Hi Katherine, Further to our email last week regards the Natural Health and Supplementary Products Bill (can be viewed here) you can find attached the white-list Excel file, along with links to our Facebook page and how to have new members sign-up to our email updates below. We are waiting for more information on when the 3rd reading might take place, we don’t have a date at this stage. ‘White-list’ file We have attached the ‘white-list’ of ingredients. It’s in Microsoft Excel format around 1MB in size. It would be great to hear of any ingredients that you use which are not on the list. You can search the file in Excel by pressing CTRL-F and entering the ingredient name. Also check max permitted daily dose, and internal / external application. Please email us any pertinent information. (Please note that if you have any difficulty interpreting the information in the list, then there is information to help you at this link:
permitted_ingredients_list_engagement_draft_20_jul_2015 Our Facebook page to Like (for updates) and Share (to spread the word) is here: https://www.facebook.com/HealthFreedomNZ Database We would like to add as many new members as possible, so we can reach the maximum number in case we need protest action or similar. Share the below link for anyone to sign up to our email updates: http://www.healthfreedom.co.nz/login.html?task=register Regards, HFNZ Team. |
Health Freedom Incorporated Charitable Trust |