Website editor’s note:The information below comes from Fluoride Free NZ which is working to end water fluoridation in NZ in the face of government plans to introduce mandatory fluoridation by stealth.  More information about fluoride may be found at this link or on Fluoride Free NZ’s excellent website or you can click HERE to see the archive of fluoride-related articles in the Environmental Health section on the website of The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine.


Submissions NEEDED for NZ Parliament: 53 Days to Go
In this Newsletter:
1) Your chance to oppose the Legislation
2) Video clips of some of the MPs speaking on the 1st Reading of the Bill
3) Contact details of all Health Select Committee members
4) Fluoride Action Network USA Petition to EPA that could end fluoridation (scroll to end)

1) Legislation Opposition Help Needed
The Legislation to force fluoridation on the whole country and make it illegal for local councils to opt out of fluoridation has now had its first reading in Parliament. We have 53 days to send in feedback and change the course of this Legislation. (see last week’s press release).

So if there was ever a time we needed your help – it is now. This Legislation will shift responsibility from the local councils and give it to the District Health Boards. This will make it virtually impossible to stop fluoridation in currently fluoridated areas, or to keep it out of places that do not have it – even if they have said no to it in the past. The DHBs have to do what the Ministry of Health tells them to do, whereas the councils do not.

As you will see from the Transcript and the video footage of the MPs that spoke at the first Reading – National, Labour and the Greens support the Bill. The Labour Party even want to strengthen the legislation by making it mandated by Central Government just in case a DHB tries to wriggle out of it. In a press release yesterday, Labour also condemned the Maori Party for running a poll to find out what people think.

You will also see that none of the speakers know very much about the subject. Health Select Committee Chair Simon Wilson mistakenly credits his good teeth on taking fluoride tablets as a child. Unbeknownst to him, the Ministry of Health no longer recommends fluoride tablets because we now know fluoride doesn’t work by swallowing and fluoride tablets cause dental fluorosis!

Associate Health Minister Peter Dunne, who introduced the Bill, has called us “tin-foil hat wearing, UFO-abducted pseudo-scientists.” He mustn’t realise that he is insulting around half of the NZ population. Results from all referenda held in NZ show that people tend to vote status quo. As only half of the country is fluoridated (23 councils out of 67, not “27 councils have rejected fluoridation” as Peter Dunne incorrectly stated) which means that roughly half the population is opposed to fluoridation (or maybe more than half) and if a nationwide referendum was held tomorrow, we would have a good chance of winning.

The NZ First Party thinks the issue should be decided by local referendum. The Greens supported the Bill “at first Reading stage” as they, too, have concerns about local decision-making – but the Greens as a party do think fluoridation is safe and effective. It shows that most of them must only have read the Ministry of Health propaganda.

The Government is now giving until the 2nd of February for us to send in written feedback on the issue. The law allows everyone who gives feedback to have 10 minutes speaking time for individuals, and 15 minutes for organisations. At the Hamilton Tribunal in 2013, 1557 people put in a submission, 1385 opposed fluoridation and 130 people spoke at the hearing to support their submission. That required the councillors to sit through 3.5 days of oral submissions and the result was a 7 to 1 vote to stop fluoridation. Unfortunately, some Hamilton councillors who had excused themselves from the Tribunal Hearing because of a conflict of interest, did not bother to attend the Hearing as part of the audience, and subsequently worked to overthrow that decision. (See Hamilton page if you would like more information on that).

Therefore, we urge everyone to give written feedback, and do their utmost to speak to that submission in person. We have been advised that It is best to keep feedback to a page or two with around half a dozen really salient points. The Hearing will be in Wellington, which is likely to be in February or perhaps March next year..

Ways to give Feedback:

  • Online Form If you don’t know what to say, a personal testimony is good, or attach an article already written (suggestions here) or list a few points as suggested above.
  • Send hard copy to Health Select Committee, Parliament Buildings, Wellington

Fluoride Free New Zealand will be providing a comprehensive written submission where we will explain the ineffectiveness and dangers of fluoridation and details of public dental health programmes operating overseas that actually do reduce dental decay.

Please encourage your friends and family to help us now by sending feedback to the Committee and by informing everyone they know on the facts about fluoridation. The number of people that do this makes a difference! You can also help by posting respectful and informative comments on Facebook, liking posts and comments and joining the discussions, particularly on the Facebook pages of the Health Select Committee Members. See the list below.

NB:  More information (including a list of members of the Health Select Committee may be found at the online version of the Fluoride Free NZ website by clicking HERE.


About The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine

NB: The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine has run feature articles on fluoride and health. Our online shop, where you can buy printed and PDF copies of our magazine is here.

You may also wish to read some of the articles in the Environmental Health section about fluoridation; other topics such as electromagnetic radiation and pesticides also feature in this section.)

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