by Katherine Smith | 30 Sep, 2016 | Environmental Health, News
A healthy hemp home built in NZ is going to feature on the popular TV show “Grand Designs” this coming Sunday on Channel 3 at 8.30 PM.
In addition to using healthy hempcrete as a construction material, the home incorporates GPA mesh from Geovital which substantially reduces the amount of microwave radiation (such as from nearby cell phone towers or neighbours’ wi-fi routers or smart meters)... Read More | Share it now!
by Katherine Smith | 7 Aug, 2016 | News
There is a proposal for the agency Food Standards Australia NZ to allow low THC hemp seed foods to be sold.
You can read about the proposal at the link below:
The closing date for submissions is August 25.
If you are interested in making a submission on this issue, there is a guide to making a submission at the link... Read More | Share it now!