Update on legal challenge to No Jab No Pay

Website editor’s note:  The information below has been adapted from a recent newsletter from the Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network (AVN) an organisation that supports parents’ rights to make informed choices about vaccination for their children without any type of coercion. The AVN has been organising screenings of the documentary Vaxxed in different cities around Australia.  More screenings of... Read More | Share it now!

Latest news about the No Jab No Pay legal challenge

Website editor’s note:  The text below has been excerpted from comes from the latest email newsletter from the Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network (AVN), an organisation that supports parental choice regarding their children’s vaccinations and is raising funds for a legal challenge to the No Jab No Pay legislation. More information about the AVN and its work may be found at its ... Read More | Share it now!

No Jab No Pay Legal Challenge Update April 2016

Website editor’s note: The No Jab No Pay legislation passed into Australian law.  You can read about this law at this link of our site. The information below has been excerpted from the April 10 email newsletter produced by The Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network, an organisation that supports parents’ rights to make decisions about their children’s vaccinations without compulsion or... Read More | Share it now!

Do you think that parents should make vaccination decisions for their children?

If you think that parents should make vaccination decisions for their children – and that those decisions should be informed decisions, made without any coercion, you’re in good company. Worldwide, a huge number of people agree with you. (In fact, probably the only people who would have any serious disagreement with this eminently sensible position would be the type of hardcore pro-vaccine zealot who... Read More | Share it now!