A note about Issue 53

We have been receiving queries from subscribers about the whereabouts of their copy of issue 53… Issue 53 of The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine was due out in September. However it went to press late. This means that the likely delivery times to subscribers have changed. For NZ subscribers, copies of issue 53 will arrive in November. (UPDATE: NZ subscriber copies of issue 53 were posted on 15 November ... Read More | Share it now!

Why enzymes may be vital to recovery from “Long Covid” – and Covid jab injuries

As early as 2020, doctors who were treating Covid patients who required hospital care had observed that many of these patients were suffering from excessive blood clotting, which could result in large clots (which could result in a stroke or heart attack) or microclots in small blood vessels (which, if sufficiently numerous, could starve the tissues in the vicinity of oxygen and lead to organ... Read More | Share it now!

Introducing the People’s Health Alliance NZ

Ed note: Issue 49 of The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine features an introductory article about an organisation that is relatively new to NZ (and Australia) called the “People’s Health Alliance” (or PHA). The websites for NZ and Australia are https://the-pha.nz/ and https://www.pha-australia.org/. Below is an interview with the co-founder of the NZ PHA, Rachel Shields. It is based on a transcript of an... Read More | Share it now!

Growing your own food at home for better health

A combination of factors, including the war in the Ukraine resulting in a halt in exports of fertiliser from Russia (and thus increased fertiliser prices), unfavourable weather and higher fuel prices are among the reasons why production of some staple foods such as wheat and corn is likely to be lower than usual this Northern Hemisphere growing season.  Reduced production is likely to force up prices for... Read More | Share it now!

An important NZ symposium Monday 17 August 2020

As I write, on August 13th, Auckland (the region of NZ where I live) is back in a Level 3 lockdown and the NZ Herald has reported that the army is assisting police with stopping traffic headed out of the city to ensure that people leaving the city are doing so only for travel deemed “essential”. The NZ Herald is also reporting that the new lockdown could cost the country $440 million each week. In... Read More | Share it now!

A group of doctors sharing a positive message with the world

Something important recently happened in Washington DC… A group of doctors held a press conference to share important information that is relevant to everyone’s health. Please take the time to view the short video that you can find on the home page of their website: https://americasfrontlinedoctorsummit.com/. If you want to learn more, there are other videos at this link:... Read More | Share it now!

“End of Life Choice” flyer “misleading and biased”

Website Editor’s Note: The text below is a slightly adapted from a press release from the Euthanasia Free NZ campaign and outlines a number of reasons why even people who generally support of the idea of medically assisted suicide should vote AGAINST the End of Life Choice Act at the referendum in the NZ general election in September. You can learn more about problems with the End of Life Choice Act at the... Read More | Share it now!

Editor’s pick: Best video series on the novel corona virus

We have quite a lot of written information on our website about COVID-19 -you can see the list of articles on our site by clicking on the link below: https://naturalmedicine.net.nz/news/list-of-covid-19-related-articles-on-this-website/ We would now like to recommend to you the best series of videos we have seen on the COVID-19 pandemic. They are on medcram.com’s youtube channel and are presented by the... Read More | Share it now!

Is vitamin D deficiency the reason why more people with darker skin are dying from COVID-19…?

Is vitamin D deficiency the reason why more people with darker skin are dying from COVID-19? A few weeks ago I began to notice a concerning trend – health professionals in the UK were contracting COVID-19 from their patients and some were dying from the disease themselves. And in reading the early articles about the doctors and nurses who had died, I noticed that most were people who the UK public health... Read More | Share it now!

List of COVID-19 related articles on this website

Overview article: The overview article at the link below provides information on clinical trials of treatments for COVID-19, reports on promising treatments for COVID-19 also includes and how to find the latest information from the NZ Ministry of Health and the NZ government’s special COVID-19 information website. Why enzymes may be vital to recovery from “Long Covid” – and Covid jab... Read More | Share it now!

Kiwi Ingenuity versus COVID-19

Ed note: This post discusses creative responses made by Kiwis to the COVID-19 lockdown. If you would like to read an article that includes information about other COVID-19 prevention strategies and treatments that are being investigated as options for COVID-19 including intravenous vitamin C and herbal medicine, as well as pharmaceuticals, please go to this link:... Read More | Share it now!

Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine as potential treatments for COVID-19

Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine as potential treatments for COVID-19 Ed note: This post discusses the use of some of pharmaceutical drugs that are being trialed in the treatment of COVID-19. If you would like to read an article that includes information about COVID-19 prevention strategies and other treatments that are being investigated as options for COVID-19 including intravenous vitamin C and herbal... Read More | Share it now!

COVID-19 and coronavirus information available in Chinese

The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine is published in English but as a service to our readers and their friends and families, we would like to bring to your attention some websites that include information available in Chinese (as well as in English) about COVID-19. Information in Chinese on COVID-19 from Elsevier One useful source of information in Chinese (as well as in English) is the special website that medical... Read More | Share it now!

Corona Virus Resources for the Public and Health Professionals

Website editor’s note: Please note that while this post is being updated as time allows, most of the following information was posted on March 19, 2020 in response to the recent cases in New Zealand of COVID-19, a viral illness associated with a novel coronavirus which is now known as SARS-CoV-2. Please note that the situation with the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and associated illness (called... Read More | Share it now!

Measles information

Just a reminder to readers who may be concerned about the measles outbreak in Auckland that there is a comprehensive article on this website that has information about treatments for measles as well as the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. (This vaccine is free in New Zealand for eligible people.) What’s Worse: Measles or the Vaccine? IMPORTANT NOTE: Please note that if you believe that you have been... Read More | Share it now!

Apology to NZ readers

Just a quick note to apologise to NZ readers because issue 34 is not yet in shops. It will be available in shops in NZ soon and NZ subscriber copies are being posted today (August 19, 2019) or tomorrow. Thank you for your patience. About The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine The New Zealand Journal of Natural Medicine is a quarterly magazine read by health conscious members of the public as well as health... Read More | Share it now!

Update on the bill to legalise assisted suicide and euthanasia in New Zealand

Editor’s introduction: Regular readers of The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine may recall an article by Auckland woman Donelda Cutforth called “The Many Perils of Assisted Suicide” which featured in issue 31.  One motivation for printing Mrs. Cutforth’s article was that there were select committee hearings on a bill that would legalise euthanasia and medically assisted suicide in New Zealand.  (Act... Read More | Share it now!

URGENT: West Auckland’s best community health food store needs your support now

Updated 11 May 2020: We are very pleased to report that Organics Out West’s community rallied around the shop and it successfully moved to new premises in 2019. Thank you to everyone who helped make this happen! You can connect with the shop via its FB page https://www.facebook.com/organicsoutwest/ NB: The fundraising initiative below is no longer active but has been left on this post for archival... Read More | Share it now!