Thriving Child Summit FREE Encore Presentation

Website editor’s note:  Just in…a notification from the producer of the excellent documentary The Greater Good that there is currently a FREE encore presentation of the Thriving Child Summit. With presentations on many different aspects of children’s health, including maternal health during pregnancy, diet and nutrition for children, puberty and treatment strategies to target the underlying... Read More | Share it now!

Has the link between vaccines and autism been discredited?

Website editor’s note: The text below is an Open Letter from Judy Wilyman, PhD, whose thesis examined the scientific basis for the Australian vaccination schedule. Dr. Wilyman has worked tirelessly to dispel myths about vaccination. Her website is if you would like to support her work with a donation I am sure that this would be much appreciated. The donations page for her... Read More | Share it now!

First Australian Vaxxed screening for 2017

Vaxxed:  From Cover-up to Catastrophe – the documentary that tells the story of how the US Centers for Disease Control covered up a vaccine-autism l8nk had its first screenings in Australia in 2016. Now its first Australian screening for 2017 has been scheduled for Adelaide. (To keep up with other Australian Vaxxed news, including other screenings, please click here to be directed to the correct page of... Read More | Share it now!

FREE “Vaccines Revealed” online docu-series coming up in January

Website editor’s note: In January 2017, Patrick Gentempo and team brought us “Vaccines Revealed“, a fantastic docu-series about which you can read below. This docu-series is not currently available, but if you sign up at the Vaccines Revealed website by clicking HERE you will be notified of future viewing opportunities. ************************************ Update 24 January 2017:  There is a free replay for... Read More | Share it now!

Children’s health presentations on 19th and 22nd October

Australian readers who have an interest in children’s health may wish to attend up-coming presentations by Judy Wilyman, PhD and Wendy Lydall. Judy Wilyman’s PhD thesis focused on the evidence base for Australia’s vaccination policy. Her website is Wendy Lyall is the author of Raising a Vaccine Free Child. Her website is Details... Read More | Share it now!

Open letter to European Medicines Agency about HPV vaccine safety

Website editor’s note:  HPV vaccines have become controversial all around the world (including NZ – please see below) because of the significant numbers of previously healthy girls and young women (who have been the major targets of the vaccination programme to date) who have become seriously ill after being injected with the vaccine. There have also been deaths reported following HPV vaccination in... Read More | Share it now!

Vaxxed to premiere in New York in exclusive one week engagement

Website editor’s note: The following information comes from the website More information about Vaxxed may be found on this website as well as on our new Facebook page which you may access through this link: Vaxxed to premiere in New York Premiering Friday, April 1st at Angelika Film Center in... Read More | Share it now!

Why are parents concerned about vaccines?

“Why are parents concerned about vaccines?” is a short youtube video that explains some of the reasons that many parents either choose not to vaccinate their children, or to delay vaccinations or are selective about the shots that they allow their children to receive. if you have always assumed that all vaccines are safe and effective and the current vaccine schedule has been fully tested for safety,... Read More | Share it now!

Do you think that parents should make vaccination decisions for their children?

If you think that parents should make vaccination decisions for their children – and that those decisions should be informed decisions, made without any coercion, you’re in good company. Worldwide, a huge number of people agree with you. (In fact, probably the only people who would have any serious disagreement with this eminently sensible position would be the type of hardcore pro-vaccine zealot who... Read More | Share it now!

Vaccination talks coming up in Tauranga and Auckland

Site editor’s note:  The information below has been supplied by WAVESnz, a New Zealand organisation that supports informed consent and freedom of choice  regarding vaccination. The Truth about Vaccines Ingredients, toxicity & side effects of the New Zealand Vaccine Schedule What you need to know about vaccines and childhood illnesses  that your medical practitioner won’t tell you. Presented by Tracy... Read More | Share it now!

MMR vaccine whistleblower documentary launched

A new documentary by Truth in Media explores the story of the CDC scientist Dr.William Thompson who went public in 2014 about he and his colleagues had acted to cover up evidence that some children who received the MMR vaccine were at increased risk of developing autism. Please take the time to watch the documentary at the youtube below, and share this link with others, particularly couples who are planning to... Read More | Share it now!

Gardasil has adverse effects on young female mice

In January 2016, a paper was published in the journal Vaccine that reported on an experiment in which young female mice were administered either either, “Gardasil, Gardasil+pertussis toxin (Pt), Al hydroxide, or, vehicle control in amounts equivalent to human exposure.” The paper is titled “Behavioral abnormalities in young female mice following administration of aluminum adjuvants and the human... Read More | Share it now!

The UK Daily Mail reports that judges in India are demanding answers from the companies involved in a “cancer vaccine trial” in India in which teenagers and children as young as nine were reportedly administered HPV vaccines.  According to the article “the study – funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – failed to obtain the informed consent of the children or their... Read More | Share it now!

Children die in vaccine trial: Judges demand answers

The UK Daily Mail reports that judges in India are demanding answers from the companies involved in a “cancer vaccine trial” in India in which teenagers and children as young as nine were reportedly administered HPV vaccines.  According to the article “the study – funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – failed to obtain the informed consent of the children or their... Read More | Share it now!

Doctors and Scientists with Concerns About Vaccines

If you are concerned about the safety of vaccination, you have good company.  Many doctors and scientists share your concerns about the safety of you can read at this link: Ed note: The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine frequently features articles about various aspects of vaccination. Issue 19 (November... Read More | Share it now!

Vaccine Awareness Week

Dr. Mercola’s website has an annual Vaccine Awareness Week from November 8-15. The article below is a thoughtful discussion of how parents’ rights to make decisions about their children’s vaccinations is coming under increasing attack in the USA: The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine supports parents’... Read More | Share it now!

An Op-Ed contribution from The Greater Good team

Site editor’s note: The following came into my in-box this morning…so I am sharing it with you…If you think the information in this link is worthwhile, please share it with others.  Thank you.   Do you rely on our local and national newspapers and media for accurate and honest reporting on the issues that affect all Americans? If so, you might want to consider that our newspapers are not... Read More | Share it now!

The following document was contributed by a reader from Australia following Prime Minister  Tony Abbott’s recent announcement that the government planned to end “conscientious objection” exemptions from the national children’s vaccination programme. (See Loss of the exemption could cost families who choose not to... Read More | Share it now!

A document that asks a few good questions about vaccines and vaccination

The following document was contributed by a reader from Australia following Prime Minister  Tony Abbott’s recent announcement that the government planned to end “conscientious objection” exemptions from the national children’s vaccination programme. (See Loss of the exemption could cost families who choose not to... Read More | Share it now!

Top 10 Facts About Vaccines and “Immunisation”

Recently, publicity has given to the idea of linking children vaccinations to welfare benefits in New Zealand.  This has fortunately been rejected by the NZ government. (See: and ). However, in... Read More | Share it now!