Doctor who supports freedom of choice targeted

Website editor’s note:   The following text is excerpted from the website of the Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network, an organisation that supports parental choice concerning vaccination and has been at the forefront of opposing coercive legislation regarding vaccination such as the “No Jab No Pay” law passed in Australia in 2016.  (The “No Jab No Pay”, which financially... Read More | Share it now!

World premiere of Mum, Cannabis and Me

Website editor’s note: The world premiere of a film called Mum, Cannabis and Me took place in Wellington on September 8.  A collaborative effort between Wellington based science communications film maker Veronica Stevenson (of Spindle Fibre Films) and medical student Victoria Catherwood, the film explores the use of medicinal cannabis by patients in NZ.  It was inspired by the experience of... Read More | Share it now!

Latest news on the Natural Health Products bill

The NZ Ministry of Health put out an update on the Natural Health Products bill in September that may be read at this link: The Natural Health Products bill is opposed by numerous New Zealanders as well as key organisations that are active in the health freedom sphere, including Health Freedom NZ Trust, the NZ Health Trust, The NZ Wellness Association and the Natural... Read More | Share it now!

New website on the health freedom issue

For readers who have been following NZ’s latest health freedom challenge (in the form of the Natural Health Products bill) there is a new website that explains why many consumers, health professionals and some (although not all) companies in the natural health industry oppose this bill. The website is The website of The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine includes a lot of... Read More | Share it now!

Proposed Natural Health Products Bill allows shocking additives

Dr. Guy Hatchard has been at the forefront of educating the NZ public and MPs about the Natural Health Products bill. There are many reasons that Dr. Harchard (and many other supporters of health freedom such as the NZ Health Trust, Health Freedom NZ and the NZ Wellness Association Fincluding the fact that as the bill has developed it will reduce choice of natural health products available to NZers, lush up prices... Read More | Share it now!

See Dr. Guy Hatchard’s video for MPs about the Natural Health Products bill

Dr. Guy Hatchard is one of the leaders of the campaign against the Natural Health Products bill.  This bill, as a previous post has explained, is opposed by many people in the natural health community who are concerned that if the bill is passed, New Zealanders’ access to nutritional and herbs in NZ would be adversely affected. Dr Guy Hatchard recently prepared a video to explain to MPs why they should vote... Read More | Share it now!

Natural Health Products bill – latest interview

Dr Guy Hatchard who has been working tirelessly to alert New Zealanders to the threat posed to their health by the Natural Health Products bill was recently interviewed by Vinnny Eastwood and you can hear the interview at the link below: Thank you to Vinny Eastwood for helping... Read More | Share it now!

Professor Paul Connett lectures on fluoride in NZ 2016

Website editor’s note:  The information below comes from the  website of Fluoride Free New Zealand which is working to end water fluoridation in NZ.  (In some NZ towns and cities, local councils add fluoride compounds which are waste products of industry (typically fertiliser manufacture or aluminium smelting) to municipal water supplies despite the fact that it is unethical to use drinking and bathing... Read More | Share it now!

See Professor Julia Rucklidge’s TEDx presentation on nutrients and mental health

Healthy brain function depends largely on having the right nutrients available – and if food sources of nutrients are not adequate, nutritional supplements can play a vital role in ensuring that people stay mentally, as well as physically healthy.  Please watch the TEDx presentation by Professor of Psychology Julia Rucklidge at the link below for an introduction to this important topic. Please note that... Read More | Share it now!

NZ Wellness Association on Natural Health Products bill

Website editor’s note:  The following text is adapted from a recent email from The NZ Wellness Association. More information about the Natural Health Products bill may be found on this website by typing Natural Health Products bill into the website’s search box. For some other background information on this issue, please to to this LINK of our site for some background information on this issue and... Read More | Share it now!

Presentation on Natural Health Products bill

At the link below you can see an important presentation on the Natural Health Products bill.   If your prefer written information on this issue, please to to this LINK of our site for some background information on this issue and also a link to a petition on the bill. Dr Guy Hatchard, who posted the youtube video has also contributed a number of other articles to which you can find... Read More | Share it now!

Ten Reasons Why The Assessment Process For Herbs Adopted By Medsafe Under The Natural Health Products Bill Lacks Scientific Credibility

Website editor’s note:  The information below is a press release about the Natural Health Products bill by Dr Guy Hatchard. For background information on the impact that the Natural Health Products bill could have on New Zealanders’ health; for more information about this bill (and a link to a petition about the bill) please click HERE. PRESS RELEASE 27th May 2016 Ten Reasons Why The Assessment Process... Read More | Share it now!

Radio NZ interview on the Natural Health Products bill

Health freedom advocate Dr Guy Hatchard was recently interviewed about the Natural Health Products bill on Radio NZ. (Dr Hatchard is one of many people who have serious concerns about the impact that the Natural Health Products bill could have on New Zealanders’ health; for more information about this bill (and a link to a petition about the bill) please click HERE. You can hear the interview at this... Read More | Share it now!

Twelve reasons to reject the Natural Health Products bill

Website editor’s note:  The text below is a press release from Dr. Guy Hatchard.  To find previous contributions to this website by Dr. Hatchard you can type his name into the search box on the site. If you would like to sign a petition against the bill you can access one HERE.   Twelve reasons to reject the Natural Health Products bill   Press Release: 19th May 2016. In 2011, the Government and... Read More | Share it now!

The Ministry of Health has sending out regular newsletters on the Natural Health Products bill. At the link HERE you can access the latest newsletter (sent May 11, 2016), which includes a request for feedback on the classification or dosage changes to substances such as folic acid, iodine or iron. At the link HERE, you will also be able to access a previous newsletter that asked for feedback on the draft permitted... Read More | Share it now!

Natural Health Products bill: Latest news from the Ministry of Health

The Ministry of Health has sending out regular newsletters on the Natural Health Products bill. At the link HERE you can access the latest newsletter (sent May 11, 2016), which includes a request for feedback on the classification or dosage changes to substances such as folic acid, iodine or iron. At the link HERE, you will also be able to access a previous newsletter that asked for feedback on the draft permitted... Read More | Share it now!

Latest press release about the Natural Health Products bill

Website editor’s note:  At the link below you can read the latest press release about the Natural Health Products bill by Dr. Guy Hatchard. (Previous contributions by Dr. Hatchard may be found on this website by using the search option.)    Press Release, 10 May 2016: The Natural Health Products Bill: An Extraordinary Assault on Healthy Food The Natural Health Products Bill is set to cause confusion... Read More | Share it now!

New petition against the Natural Health Products Bill

A new petition against the Natural Health Products bill (previously called the Natural Health and Supplementary Products bill) has now been set up. (The first petition, which is closed, may be seen HERE.) The Natural Health Products bill is opposed by the two organisations that have provided leadership during previous health freedom crises in NZ, namely, The NZ Health Trust and Health Freedom NZ Trust. The Natural... Read More | Share it now!

Natural Health Products Bill: Important Update

NEWSFLASH: A new petition has been set up to oppose the Natural Health Products bill.  For more information and a link to the petition please click HERE. Natural Health Products Bill: Important Update April 30, 2016 Regular readers of this website will know that the Natural Health and Supplementary Products bill (which was recently re-named the Natural Health Products bill) has been causing significant concern in... Read More | Share it now!